As it should be

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My wolves were officially acknowledged as summons and were added to the list of contractable animals in the academy, quickly gaining popularity because they were stronger than most. Although everyone could make a contract with them, it could get cancelled if they used my wolves with bad intentions.

Iruka: "I'm so proud of you, Aoi"

He hugged my neck tightly. Kakashi, I and the Academy headmaster were finishing our discussion about my wolves and their incorporation into the new generation training programme when Iruka passed by and overheard. A few minutes later is when I received my hug from him. He was overjoyed and I'm not surprised. I know what everyone thinks of me. While I was protecting Naruto and his interests, I never was on the side of the village. That's why many were always silently worried about my presence in the village since I'm a walking calamity. However, in these past few months, the arrogant drunkenness on the power, that I was experiencing, kind of died down and I realised that even if my love for Naruto beats everything else, this was still my favourite place, my lovely village and home of all that I adore. That lead to me helping out with the restorations and further development of not only Konoha but the other nations too.

Aoi: "Alright Iruka, just don't start crying, okay?"

He chuckled and let me go, lightly rubbing his eyes, I probably guessed it right. I sat down, needing to scratch my neck with my hind leg.

Iruka: "Thank you, truly"

Aoi: "Oh jeez, you Konoha people get more emotional, the older you are, haha"

Konohamaru: "Oof, don't call them out like that... you're right tho, bwahaha"

I turned around and there he was along with Moegi and Udon. A devilish smile crept up on my face and I sneakily put my tail behind them, ready to test their alertness.

Aoi: "What are you doing here you little rascals"

Moegi: "We are on our way to supervise the youngest kids in the Academy, their teacher needs to run some errands and asked us for a favour"

Konohamaru put on his sheepish smile, took a step back and stood on my tail while staring at me. I showed him my teeth smile and made him fall by lifting my tail.

Kohohamaru: "Ack, you!"

I laughed and smacked his face with the same tail lightly. He giggled but soon started spitting strands of my fur, making me laugh even more. Moegi, Iruka and Udon also laughed for a second. Iruka's face had gentle features, relishing this peaceful nostalgic moment. The war really took a toll on everyone and nothing's taken for granted anymore... even small moments like these.

Iruka: "You three should get going now, or you'll be late"

Konohamaru: "Ah that's right! See ya Iruka-sensei and Aoi!"

He quickly got off the ground, dusted himself off and ran inside the building with Moegi and Udon trailing behind. Iruka shook his head and waved me goodbye as he went back inside as well. Having nothing to do, I just walked around, aimlessly. At sunrise, Naruto found me chilling on the Hokage monument.

Naruto: "There you are! We need to go now! Or we'll be late-ttebayo!"

He very excitedly started pulling on my tail, ears and legs, appearing to be really in a hurry. I wanted to play with him and so I rolled over onto my back and sprawled out my wings, letting them hang loose in the air. He groaned and started complaining.

Naruto: "Come on! It's not time to play, we gotta go!"

Aoi: "Where do we have to go? I'm not going if you're not going to tell me!"

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