Trip to Suna

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We took the cultist to the base, where a sewing kit was already prepared for us by the wolves. We put parts of Hidan's body next to each like puzzle pieces before Kakuzu could attach them together.

Hidan: "Ah! It's fucking cold!"

Deidara: "Yeah no shit, you're in the mountains of the country of Iron"

Hidan: "I know that too, Barbie, I'm asking what the hell is the table made out of"

Kakuzu: "It's ice and shut up"

Before Deidara could snap back at Hidan for the 'Barbie', I kicked him in the leg so he'd stay quiet.

After Kakuzu put Hidan all back together and made sure his body was working just fine, we had a catching up with him to do and oh boy, was he freaking out.

His first issue was with the disbanding of Akatsuki, he has no one to back up his thirst for murder. I had to explain to him that he can't go around killing anyone he wants anymore and will have to stick with only being a bounty hunter.

Aoi: "If I ever find out you kill someone innocent, I'll take away your abilities, so there would be no more Jashin-sama for you"

He was shocked and like an upset child, mumbled something to himself, but eventually, Jashin was more important to him than who he was going to kill.

Another thing he was not understanding is how there's only Deidara, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame and him still alive.

Hidan: "Okay so like, I remember Sasori kicking the bucket early and Deidara almost dying so many times, but what happened to Tobi, Zetsu, Pein, Konan,...who else was there?"

Deidara: "That's all, you dumbass, there wasn't many of us from the beginning anyway"

Hidan: "Oh, You're right"

Aoi: "Those that remain are only alive because I wanted it so, hmph"

Hidan: "Fucking thank you, for Jashin's sake"

Oh my god, I wanna leave. After they settled down, I showed Hidan how it works here and then left them to do whatever they want. Their stupidity was multiplied when Deidara and Hidan were together and it made me and Kakuzu want to bang our heads on stuff.

Everyone has something they love so much, that it newer gets old or boring for them. For me, it's the feeling in every of my feathers as I spread my wings when I'm about to take off and the wind hits against me. The resistance is the best feeling in the world.

The peaceful village, surrounded by lush green forests and adorned with tall bright red walls, was as beautiful as always.

Aoi: "Everyone did such a great job at rebuilding it. A few months ago someone made it a surprise for me, that they had made a giant square, which would also serve as a landing pad for me, so noone's rooftops were getting damaged anymore. It was also embarrassing, because everytime I arrived in Konoha, everyone would know and cheer. Took a while getting used to"

Kiba: "That's nice and all but... why are you following us on a mission?"

Aoi: "Thash shimpl! Ur mishn is n esh-rank ant Konyoha is undershtaffd, sho day hat nyo choishe but ta shend chu but! Kakashi didn't want any dansha ta befall ya, sho he shent me wish chu afta nishely ashking"

Kiba: "Ugh, would have understood that easier if you just used wolf language"

Hinata: "Is that chicken good Aoi?"

Hinata caught a sight of a chicken leg hanging out of my mouth since I was chewing on it and enjoying it while I could.

Aoi: "I don't know what you are talking about"

My attempt at sounding like I didn't have a chicken bribe in my mouth made it fall on the ground, where Akamaru was already prepared to seize the food.

Shino: "Aoi had to be bribed so he would come with us..."

Aoi: "Aaaaa, Akamaru! That's my chicken!"

I caught up to the white ball of fluff who was running of the path into the forest and grabbed the chicken. Akamaru started growling at me and had an iron grasp on the meat. I accepted his challenge with a low growl of my own and limited my physical abilities to match his. For a whole minute, we were pulling on the chicken with equal strength, but Shino had enough, as we had to continue on with our mission, so he released his bugs which were eating the chicken while we were still tugging on it. When one bug touched Akamaru, he let go and I emerged not only victorious, but also covered in bugs, since I still didn't let go of the little that was left of the chicken. Bug covered food wasn't very appealing however, so I let go of it and we resumed our journey.

Aoi: "Okay so, I know I said Kakashi sent me on this mission with you, but I didn't listen to what he said about it, so can you tell me what it's about?"

Kiba: "How in the world did you end up behaving like Naruto"

Aoi: "He raised me and I love him teh most in the whole world, duh"

Shino: "We are to deliver some confidential information to each country because there's someone running around disrupting our communication with each country "

Aoi: "You mean the cable TV thingy?"

Shino: "Yes, the central station was attacked and left unusable, so until they build a new one, team from each village is tasked with delivering information"

Aoi: "Okay, makes sense, but what makes it an S-rank?"

Hinata: "Many teams are KIA because of this mission"

Shino: "each village has casualties, Konoha 3 teams, Cloud 2, Sand 2, Mist 4 and Rock 8"

Aoi: "Damn, alright that does sound like na S-rank, why haven't I heard about such casulties yet?"

Shino: "You've barely visited Konoha for more than a day there past few months"

Hinata: "I'm quite nervous about this"

Kiba: "Don't worry Hinata, we'll protect you! And we've got Aoi, there no-one stronger than him!"

Ootsutsuki clan members are stronger than me...

Our first destination was the Sand village, unfortunately we had to camp in front of the desert, as there was a sandstorm raging.

Kiba: "Alright, go to sleep, I'll take the first watch"

Hinata and Shino agreed and curled up in their sleeping bags. But I had to protest...I always do.

Aoi: "Kiba, you go to sleep too, I'll guard!"

Kiba: "No you won't, you have to rest because you'll have to fly us above the desert if it doesn't calm down in the next two days!"

Aoi: "I'm a bijuu! I don't need to sleep, I hibernated to pass time when I'm bored!"

I stomped on the ground hard, to further back up my point. Although it later just caused inconveniences for us.

Aoi: "Plus if I am to carry you through the desert..."

Kiba: "Above the desert"

Aoi: "... If I am to carry you ABOVE the desert, why not just right away? Why wait?"

Kiba: "That's because!...Eh why again Shino?"

We both looked at him but he and Hinata were fast asleep, leaving us with our questions unanswered.

Aoi: "Go to sleep"

Kiba: "No, you go"

Aoi: "No, you"

Kiba: "No you"

Aoi: "Okay"

Kiba: "No...WAIT"

I slapped him with my wing and started laughing.

Aoi: "Gotcha, now you have to sleep"

With a bit of grumbling and a loud yawn, he slid into his sleeping bag. Akamaru snuggled into him and became a pillow for Kiba. A very comfy, fluffy pillow. For allergic people it would be an instant K.O.

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