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We entered the room, Naruto and Sakura were amazed and maybe a bit overwhelmed by the hostility and amount of people that were there. Sasuke was on alert, too.

Everyone was staring at us, it made even me uncomfortable, I was terrified by crowds in my past life and I still feel really nervous about it. I lowered my head and stood close to Naruto.

Ino: "Sasuke-kun! You're late!" Ino jumped on Sasuke. I feel like barfing whenever Sakura or Ino does this. But seeing Sasuke annoyed was priceless. Sakura and Ino argued and called each other names again.

Shikamaru: "What is this, are you three going to take this troublesome exam too?" Shikamaru and Choji came closer.

Naruto: "Oh hey, it's the idiot trio" Says the idiot.

Shikamaru: "Stop calling us that, how annoying"

Kiba: "Yahoo, found you all, so I see everyone is here, oh! Aoi! Good to see you again!" Kiba! I jumped at him and he laughed while petting me. "Woah you sure grew up a lot Aoi!"

Hinata: "Hello..." Naruto looked at her and she started blushing.

Shikamaru: "You three made it too, geez..."

Kiba: "I see, so all nine Genin rookies this year are going to take the exam"

After a bit of talking, Kabuto butted in and told them to pipe it down. I hid behind Naruto when I saw him, which wasn't a good hiding spot since I'm huge but whatever, I'm scared of Kabuto.

Kabuto immediately recognised me and smiled, I hid even more behind Naruto, only my head was poking out, I really don't want to get involved with him... He introduced himself and told us to look around, the other examinees were all kinda annoyed at us, or respectively the nine since me and Akamaru can't talk.

Kabuto: "I guess it can't be helped since you're just rookies who don't know anything"

Sakura: "Kabuto-san was it? So this is your second time?"

Kabuto: "No, seventh, this exam takes place twice a year, so it's my 4th year"

Sakura: "That means you know a lot about this exam right?"

Kabuto: "Yeah"

Naruto: "So you must be an expert, Kabuto-san"

Shikamaru: "But you haven't passed"

Kabuto: "Ahah that's true"

Shikamaru: "Is the Chuunin exam that difficult? This is getting even more troublesome"

Kabuto: "Maybe I should give my cute underclassmen some information then... with these recognition cards" Then he explained what they are.

Sasuke asked about Rock Lee and Gaara and Kabuto showed him the info he had. Naruto yelled out his name and how he's not going to lose to any of them and because I'm Naruto's ninja wolf, I can't embarrass him, so I howled very loudly to agree with him and I could hear Kakashi chuckle behind the door.

Though now everyone was even more pissed off. Kankuro and Temari laughed at Naruto, ridiculing him, while Gaara's eyes followed me and Sasuke. Lee admired our burning passion, Tenten thought we're idiots and Neji made a comment about Lee not beating us enough.

The sound trio finally decided to screw with Kabuto and I instinctively attacked them. One threw kunais at Kabuto, he dodged those but then the mummy guy was going to punch him and I felt like showing off so I jumped out from behind Naruto and AFTER he threw his punch at Kabuto and missed I tackled him onto the ground, not letting him get up.

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