A trip to Suna part 2

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We were on the edge of the forest bordering the desert, yet the climate difference was like night and day. Mist droplets adorned the grass and plants around us as the sun slowly rose and made everything sparkle with its morning light.

I looked over to the sandy dunes and there, the air was already waving from the heat. Small lizards were sunbathing on smooth dark stones that you could cook an egg on top of.

Aoi: "Rise and shine, the sandstorm is gone, let's depart"

Kiba: "Just a few more minutes mom..."

Hinata: "Good morning everyone"

Shino: "I woke up an hour ago and packed my things beforehand, I'm ready to leave"

Yawning while stretching your whole body has to be the best part of every good morning. The sunlight tickled my fur with its gentle warmth as I watched Hinata pack up her and Kiba's stuff. Soon everything was packed up and all that was left to do is to wake up Kiba who slept the whole time.

Aoi: "Should I just sit on his face and suffocate him until he wakes up?"

Hinata: "No! Don't do that, I'll wake him up"

She gently squatted next to him and called out his name repeatedly. When it didn't work, she tried shaking his shoulder and failing that as well, she turned to us all flustered. I cracked my neck and stretched my right hind leg. I turned my back to him and kicked him out of his bed. He rolled into a bush and after a few seconds came out yelling angrily.

Kiba: "Who the hell did that?! I'll kill you"

I slowly raised my right front paw and gave him a toothy grin. His face went pale and he started laughing nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

Kiba: "Ahahaha, so it was you Aoi....Thank you so much for waking me up, hehehe... what would I do without you"

He looked away, embarrassed about his lies and slightly scared about almost provoking me into a fight. Shino looked at him expressionlessly and adjusted his glasses. Hinata was panicking, not knowing what to do about the awkward situation. I cuddled up to her, satisfied after messing with Kiba.

After Kiba finished packing, we finally were on our way to the Sand village. Despite my complaints about us not flying there, they didn't listen, saying that walking there is the better option. When it clearly isn't...

As time passed by on our journey through the desert, the fine sand beneath our feet and paws started to warm up until it was getting a bit unbearable for me. Not to mention that they were completely silent the whole way there, making me get super bored. That's when I decided it was enough for me and I took off, leaving them behind to walk on their own. As I ascended to the sky, they got so small they looked like tiny fleas.

I glided through the sky towards the rising sun, my feathers quietly fluttering from the air's resistance. I almost fell asleep from the peaceful state I was in, freefalling for a few seconds.

I'm such a dumbass.

Then I turned around and saw the village, in all of its sandy glory. This time I let myself fall freely on purpose, opening my wings only once I was just a few metres above the ground. My paws hit the ground with a mild impact, letting Gaara know I'd arrived since I landed on the building, where his office was situated.

I stretched and folded my wings tightly as I don't fancy the idea of having sand stuck between my skin and feathers. Just thinking about it already makes them all itchy. I shook my head and tail, accidentally hitting Kankurou's face with it just as he got up the stairs onto the roof.

Kankurou: "Pfff, watch where you're waving that thing"

He scrunched his face and started picking out hair from his mouth. I chuckled and watched as Gaara, Temari and some officers appeared behind him. I slapped my tail in his face once again when I turned around and jumped excitedly to Gaara, licking his face to say hi. He hugged my giant head and gave me a soft smile. Temari laughed and patted my shoulder. Kankurou finally got all of the hair out and walked back to us with a slight frown.

Kankurou: "What are you doing here alone? Where's the team that's supposed to come here from Konoha to receive a report?"

I sat down, thinking how I'm going to explain that I'd left them to walk on their own through the desert. Screw it, say the truth.

Aoi: "Uhh my paws were burning and they didn't want to fly, so I just left them to walk, they should be here by evening"

Kankurou groaned in annoyance. I pulled my ears back and acted cute like he was bullying me, earning myself a bit more petting from Gaara and Temari. Life is great.

While we waited for the rest to arrive at the village, we attended a few of Gaara's meetings and then I split off when a few researchers wanted to sign a contract to be able to summon my wolves. They explained how wolves would be a great summoning animal for them as they are fast, which works well with their wind jutsus and they specialize in close combat fast attacks, once again supporting Suna's style of bringing up shinobi to be long/mid-range combatants. I agreed under the condition that they would be fucked if I ever got to know that they mistreated one of the summons. 

Finally free, I crashed at the siblings' place and slept until sunset, when Hinata, Shino, Kiba and Akamaru finally arrived, covered in sand and completely exhausted. I laughed at them very hard, for not taking my offer to fly here, since they could have been here a long time ago with no effort. Kiba hid his frustration while Shino and Hinata didn't react.

Seeing as they were tired, they were assigned some lodging and went to sleep immediately, leaving the report and meeting for tomorrow morning.



...Hi (o_o'')

I am back (''I w I )/

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