8: Frenemies

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A month had passed since I came here, and all have been good—well, it could be better. Those mean girls were still hot on my trail, however, I did my best to avoid encountering them. I still hadn't gotten my dress back, I was still creeped out by the paintings in the halls and it had become a confirmed hypothesis that Cassidy didn't fancy me too much.

On the bright side, I'd spoken to my Mother some days ago, and navigating that maze of a house was much easier. Also, Madam hadn't been around for the past few weeks. She took Cassidy with her—which, needless to say, I was grateful for—and since then, the house had been much noisier and livelier.

I'd also been hearing rumors about Madam having a son that was 'sick in the head' as they said, however, as far as I was concerned, there was nothing to make out of that.

I finished my work early that day, then decided to go talk to my newfound friend, old man Manuel. We met over a choking fit—his choking fit actually, when he was having his meal at the makeshift dining in the kitchen.

I acted fast, saving the situation from getting worse and since then, we've gotten along really well. He was very knowledgeable in all things religion and told the best stories. He was part of the security detail and that was why I was headed to the security unit.

As I started down a hall which would then narrow down to a passage leading to an exit door, I passed by a band of two making out shamelessly by a corner. It was a male and female this time, judging by their distinct uniforms.

The latter's face was familiar, Constance was her name. Her dress was short and somewhat tight as she must have altered it—a lot of them did. They noticed me but didn't seem to care. If only Evelynn knew about that.

Dirt crunched beneath my feet as I trudged down the path to the designated security housing. Honestly, it still left me confounded as to why the unit was situated a few ways into the forest hidden from view. That thought, however, dissipated instantaneously when I heard some twigs snapping and leaves rustling.

The feeling that place gave me was unsettling, I felt as though I was being watched and to think of all the ferocious things that would be roaming around...

Hastening my footsteps, I quickly put those thoughts aside and hummed my favourite song whilst maintaining a firm grip on my medallion before I ended up scaring myself all the more.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the building came into view. It wasn't anything extravagant at least on the outside, that is. On getting to it, I only had to stand facing the outside surveillance camera and wave to be let in whilst imagining the look on Sawyer's face when he saw it was only me.

Sawyer was a guy who worked there too. He was in charge of the camera that directly faced the path, the exact one I stood in front of, amongst others. Every time he saw me, he'd always roll his eyes and shrug like he was always unhappy to see me but who cares.

As soon as I was in, the door slammed shut on its own. You see, just because they let me in didn't mean that everyone was free to do the same all willy-nilly 'cause protocols had to be observed. So, they usually wouldn't even have granted me entrance. Still, when Mr. Manuel had something to say about that, I could come in anytime I wanted.

Taking a deep breath and sighing contentedly, I started to find my way to his office. I could never get used to the technological beauty of that place. It was a big hall divided into compartments for little privacy, bathed in white. Also, there were oodles of computers and technological gadgets too.

Most seemed to be serious and some were lazing about smoking, playing board games, and just telling lame jokes and laughing about it. They noticed my entrance and whilst some regarded me coldly, some couldn't care less.

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