51: What Has Always Been...

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Kendall sat in front of her vanity, doing her makeup as she had some lectures a few hours from that time. I had just debriefed her about everything that happened the day before but she wasn't saying anything or freaking out...yet. She appeared to be deep in thought instead.

"It's all coming together, Rina," she said. "I just knew it."

"Is that all?" I asked her, incredulity evident in my voice. I was sitting on her bed in my jogging outfit with my hair tied up.

"So, you two have a date tonight?"

"Maybe it is but not a romantic kind of date. It's just a normal meeting between friends. He's normally very busy and I don't know the next time we'll get to see each other in person." I explained.

"Still, you should use this opportunity well. We still need to get you a killer outfit so that you look your best. Oh! I'm so excited!" She exclaimed.

"Ok, calm down Kendall. I know what you're thinking and it's not like anything is going to happen so don't get your hopes up, Ken." I reminded her. "So, how's your relationship with Ambrose going?"

She gave me a knowing look that told me that she knew exactly what I was doing. "We're good."

A smile followed after that statement. It was obvious that she was happy with Ambrose and their relationship was only about a month old. To me, their relationship was quite fast-paced but I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or bad. They seemed pretty infatuated with each other though…

The last thing I would do as a friend was to lecture her about her love life. We were all adults and though it didn't look like it, I was hoping she knew what she was doing.

In a way, it was silly. Here I was, never had I been in a relationship before and I was having opinions about someone else's…

She stood up from her seat in front of her vanity, coming to stand in front of her full-length mirror. There, she scrutinized herself.

"I don't like this outfit." She said finally before turning to her closet to pick out something else. "Hey, Rina, when did you last check your Instagram account?"

Instagram? I hadn't checked it in ages given that I spent very little time on my phone.

"No, is something wrong with it?" I queried.

"Not at all. It's just that you've gone from five thousand followers to fifty thousand."

Really? She was the one helping me manage it since I didn't have the time to do so.

"What happened?"

"Two words; modelling agency. It's normal though since you're now modelling and all but imagine how many followers you'd have if you and that handsome billionaire CEO guy became an item."

I face-palmed. "Here we go again."

Throughout that day, I tried not to think of the rendezvous I was scheduled to have with Ro that evening. It made me kind of sad; that it was the last time I'd see him in person for a while. So, I promised myself to make the most out of it.

It wouldn't be easy though; staring at a highly sophisticated Adonis throughout the evening and trying not to make a fool out of myself.

I also hadn't returned any of Michael's calls. I didn't know how big of a mistake I was making giving him my number and I couldn't think of any excuse at that time not to.

I stayed indoors since I didn't have lectures that day as Kendall did. I was also able to talk to my brother, Nicholas, and had a video call with Pierre too. I hated the way he looked at me but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it since he hadn't exactly made a move on me yet. The remnant of my time was spent working on another project that was due in three days.

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