6: The Maids

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"Hello Mo-om?"

Her voice was being interrupted by static sounds so much that I couldn't hear a thing she said. Maybe there wasn't cell signal in her current location.

Dejectedly, I cut the line and as soon as I did, the phone was snatched from my hands.

"Think fast," someone called and a  mysterious looking thing sailed through the air towards me, instinctively I caught it before it could make contact with my hair. Looking down at what was caught in my hands I discovered that it was warm, hairy and could move.

Screaming, I dropped the nasty vermin as I couldn't believe my hands just held that thing, nonetheless the girl that told me 'think fast' already caught the mouse before it hit the ground.

Apparently, the little stunt had not gone unnoticed by the others as it earned me deadly stares, scoldings and many snickers. Two palms latched themselves on to either side of my cheek another brushing away my hair from my face.

"Ewww what happened to your face," said one of the girls that surrounded me. She was also in her underwear, most of them were and they were laughing and making faces.

"Ooh puerido," said the brown skinned girl that had her palms latched onto my face. I didn't know what language she spoke but she sounded almost sorry for me. Almost. "You look like my dog back home, El Guapo and he looks even better than you do."

The laughter that followed that stupid joke was marring for me but I'd endured worse, I felt quite uncomfortable not only because of the joke or the laughter or the palms that were latched onto my cheeks but 'cause of the mouse that was being held close to me by the brunette who first spoke to me.

Another came forward smiling brightly at me.

"Hi, I'm Amber."

She's still smiling as she grasped my left hand with hers shaking it.

"Nice to meet you, can we be friends?"

The others stared in mock anticipation, I was even more confused but her gesture looked so convincing and genuine. I almost smiled back and reciprocated until she suddenly started laughing and pointing at me like I bore two heads.

"That's what I woulda said if your face wasn't the worst one I've ever seen."

"Should have seen that one coming," I thought and sighed as most erupted in laughter.

"Yeah, Madam should have been blind for her to have employed someone like her, this is outrageous."

Great. Now it was like I wasn't even here.

There was more laughter and awful remarks directed at me, by then I'd detached my cheek from the stranger's hands. Words couldn't describe how unstable and scared I was, my back pressing against the wall and my eyes frantically roving around was testimony to that.

"Hey, are you all just so jobless that you can't find something better to do if it isn't messing around with the newbie," hollered another girl standing a few feet away from us. She was short and with how she was all dressed up in her maids' uniform, my guess was that she just entered.

"You all know who she's with and if any of you value your reputation or your job in any way, I reckon you should all quit this."

She didn't know how grateful I was that she showed up, I could be getting skinned alive and no one would care. Looking back at them—the ones who were having such a fun time at my expense I wondered what they were going to do next, and to my surprise they started retreating one by one but not without leaving provocative impressions.

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