31: Blue-Belle's

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Today was a good day to add to my wardrobe given the fact I had several days off from work. So, I stuffed my phone in the pocket of my blue jeans along with my cash and donned a white camisole and a dove grey cardigan. To hide my conspicuous features, I threw in a red scarf and a cap.

The converse I wore was a gift from Jocelyn back at my old workplace. She'd worn them to work one day and I'd given a compliment on them. The next day, she gave them to me, and coincidentally, we just happened to have the same shoe size.

"I wouldn't bother coming here if I were you, 'cause no amount of accessories, makeup, or clothes is going to change how ugly you are."

That was what someone told me once when I'd been shopping for clothes with my mom. It had gotten me so upset that I ran outside the shop, refusing to come back in until my mom found me.

Ever since I had dreaded going to places like that. I took the bus and it was the first time I had entered one in the city. It was quite a different experience from the one I normally took on my way home.

In an attempt to remain inconspicuous, I sat as still as I could and when my eyes weren't wandering out the window or taking clandestine glances at the other occupants, I was twiddling mindlessly with my medallion.

A smile grew on my face once I stood before Blue-Belle's. I'd ridden past the store quite a few times and it had been catching my eye just as much. I fancied how flashy and lurid the exterior was and then it was time to find out if the interior could cut too as I adjusted my scarf before entering.

There was so much glass, and shiny, fancy lights. The way they caromed over the lustrous accessories creating a kaleidoscopic effect and intensifying their beauteous nature was marvelous. The blue, purple, and golden themes were striking.

That visceral dread I had before must have vanished since I found myself concerned with the awe-inspiring beauty of this place. I should really visit places like this more...if my financial constraints could help it.

"Do you think this one will suit me?" One out of the two girls I'd just passed asked the other. They were gushing over some earrings which induced me to touch my ear—it wasn't even pierced. I'd planned to do that but when I saw myself in the mirror, remembering some really negative comments I'd received before, that desire just vanished.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder, retarding my movement.

A seemingly familiar face came into my line of vision. "Pardon me, it's just that you're looking suspicious…" she trailed off, confusion marring her pretty features.

A gasp followed as my scarf slid further down then abruptly, she smiled. "Oh, hi."

Quickly, I readjusted my scarf again. "Uum…"

My face heated up from embarrassment amidst my overall perplexion.

She noticed and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry about that, I thought you were one of those shoplifters."

"No, I'm not." I disagreed, having put myself together.

"I see that now."

That smile never left her face and it suited her quite well. She must've been around her late twenties or early thirties—I wasn't sure though. She just appeared youthful and must've fallen under the 'older than I look' category.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'd seen her somewhere before; the way she was looking at me also drove the notion that mine was a familiar face to her.

"Fancy seeing you here, Carina," she chirped, before doing a double take. "You are Carina, right?"

"Uum...yes?" I answered, nervous. "How did she know my name?"

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