22: JJ & Rina

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He was always saving me, and always had my back whenever Nicholas wasn't around. He was my guardian angel and even the first time we met, he'd saved me from sustaining a serious injury on his father's farm. Needless to mention the multiple times that he'd rescued me from Faustus's gimmicks and the other times I'd get bullied in school.

And now he saved me from getting violated…

It seemed surreal, how on Earth was it possible? It is such a small world. I stared incredulously at my best friend, completely forgetting my former horrors. Even the pain had suddenly dulled. It was obvious that he too was harbouring the same thoughts as I was, given his clueless expression.

Soon enough, he closed the distance between us and embraced me.

"Oh my God, Rina! I'm so glad to see you again…"

I hugged him just as tightly, as a tear slid down. He was real alright. It's been years since we last saw each other, who could've possibly thought we'd meet again?

Later, he helped me to my feet and I was able to grab the bag that was lying haphazardly not too far from me. Jared put his arm around my shoulder and introduced me to his companion, Philip, who was nothing short of surprised as he watched us.

"Hello," he greeted, shaking my hand.

If he was by any means disturbed by my looks, he didn't show it—not that he would anyways…

"If I'd known it was you that Kade was harassing, I would've lost my sh*t, I swear!" Jared bristled afterwards, to which Philip laughed.

I would've laughed too if I wasn't still shaken due to what had happened. All I could manage was a meagre smile.

We had only just met again, a few minutes ago, and that defence mechanism wasted no time kicking in.

"So, what brings you to the city?" Philip asked me innocently.

My throat instantly went dry, and my muscles taut. I tilted my head a little to see Jared exchanging a look with Philip. I seemed to have forgotten the fact that he was taller than me by a few inches.

"Actually, I came here to work and it was going pretty well until it wasn't," I answered. I couldn't help the melancholy that seeped into my voice.

Philip just nodded. "I'm sorry about that…"

Then silence fell as we walked.

"Lemme help you with your bag," Jared drawled out, reaching towards my hand.

"No, it's o-"

But he had already slipped it out of my hand and into his.

"Uuum...where are we going?" I asked afterwards.

"My house... It's not far from here," JJ responded offhandedly.

I blinked several times, he must've understood my predicament without me saying a word. He always understood me, and even a few years apart couldn't change that. Not that my appearance wouldn't have given me away already.

We couldn't talk much due to the presence of another. Luckily he had to divert towards another route.

"Later man!" Philip yelled to Jared. "And nice meeting you Carina!"

JJ squeezed my shoulder tighter. "It's really good to have you back again, Rina…"

I placed my hand on his medallion that lay beneath my clothes as I smiled. "You too, JJ."

"Mother! I'm home!"Jared yelled out when we were just at the threshold.

I was balking and a little hesitant to step further into their house, however, Jared pulled me in anyways and shut the door while leaving me no time to consider my options.

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