47: Wallflower

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As we got closer to the venue, my heart rate sped up. It was then that the thought of entertaining the presence of so many others shook me. Kendall didn't seem to notice, however. I felt so strongly about that and for a split moment, I wanted to give up on that shenanigan and Dr. Dean's advice and go home.

It took a lot of self-discipline on my part to stop myself from voicing those particular thoughts. If I did, it'd break Ken's spirit and all her excitement would amount to naught and I was not a monster. Then, I could hear loud music which undoubtedly emanated from the venue, and did nothing but escalate my apprehension tenfold.

I'd never been to a party—not including birthday celebrations I attended at a tender age before my scars came along—especially one of that ilk and it would be wise to keep that piece of information to myself.

Finally, we got to the source of the plangent music and I could tell that the party was in full swing. Fashionably late was what she called it. The sun was already gone, off from the sky to go beckon on the moon to work its shift as it could no longer go on. Dusk grew ever more somber with each passing second just as the air grew cooler.

I gave Kendall a brief look of appraisal as she expertly maneuvered the car through the multitude of vehicles in search of a parking spot. Her bright eyes were set on the road and her dainty hands graced the steering wheel. Her sandy brown locks were hoisted in an elaborate updo and her long-sleeved, deep V-necked sapphire bandage mini dress hugged her figure elegantly. She looked stunning tonight—no doubt about that.

We were finally able to find a spot and parked. I took a large inhale of the cool air as the entire thing overwhelmed me. Kendall was looking at me with a little smile tugging at her lips as though she knew the inward battle I was fighting then.

"What are you smiling at?"

The curve of her lips became more prominent. "Nothing. You look breathtaking tonight."

Her answer had me taken aback as I had been expecting something sassy. "Thanks, Ken."

"Yeah, and try not to look constipated, it's just a party with ordinary people like you and me."

And there it was; the sassy comment I'd been expecting. She never failed to deliver and I said nothing to it as we alighted and went in.

The number of cars around that area by no means quantified the number in attendance. Some faces I recognized from campus and the others I'd never seen in my life. The lighting was faint and I didn't know what to make out of the house on its own.

From what I'd been able to gather, several things characterized parties like these; peculiar dancing forms and equally peculiar behaviours. True to my expectations, there were a hefty number dancing in such a way and occasionally, one could find pairs devouring each other.

All of the salacious behaviour tainted my eyes and finding somewhere to settle was all I could do to help myself. At least, I'd carried out Dr. Dean's request by coming, and now, I could be a wallflower and sit that one out. Already being around so many others was grating to my nerves and nothing would make me happier once I could leave.

A prevalent stench of alcohol and booze consumed my senses causing my face to contort accordingly. Nothing about the atmosphere was alluring.

"Vodka?" Kendall offered two disposable cups in hand as she sat down beside me.

"No, thank you. I don't drink alcohol." I voiced out immediately.

She gave me a weird look before downing the two glasses. Of course, she knew my preferences but still asked each time.

"You know, there's no point to coming here if you're not gonna mingle and socialize." She remarked.

Socialize… She'd used the exact words that Doctor Dean did and it had me taken aback for a moment. His monotonous baritone voice drifted into my mind as if on cue; "...I want you to socialize, go out on a date, just get out of your comfort zone and do those things you've been afraid of doing…"

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