30: Investigations & Affrontations

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Having the police around, uninvited, was rarely a good thing since they were either out to arrest or…

"I'm Detective Weber and we're on an investigation." The dark-skinned, burly man was saying when I got there.

Gabe and Louisa were already at the doorway, both faces bearing neutral expressions though there were hints of perturbation on Louisa's face. He produced a badge from his jacket, swiping it in front of our faces before returning it to its place. I glimpsed a gun too.

"Someone got stabbed in these parts and there have been multiple burglaries along with people getting waylaid on their way home. We don't want to leave any stone unturned in our investigation." He further informed me.

In his words, I remembered a conversation I heard between our neighbours. They spoke of someone whose house got broken into—I also recalled Mrs. Carmichael's words just as the faces of Kade and his gang flashed through my mind's eye. Instantly, I thought of Jared and how he was connected with all these. 

Louisa invited Detective Weber in, however, he declined, insisting that they were in a haste.

"How long have you lived in these parts ma'am?"

Obviously, the question was Louisa's.

He had some stationery which he used to take down information.

l opted to go inside, deliberately exempting myself from the shenanigan since I felt I had little to offer and also since I was merely a visitor. Regardless, the detective insisted that I be part of the process.

He continued with questions that seemed pretty mundane to me before transitioning into the main issue. I noticed how alert and perusal the man was, and I made sure not to stutter or balk too much in my response, or blurt anything I wasn't too sure of.

I wanted to implicate Kade and his gang but decided against it since there were too many risks involved, notwithstanding that Jared would not be exonerated, that is, if he was as deep into this entire situation as I suspected and I didn't want to find out.

Looking around, I could see how far that session had carried on. Everywhere I looked, there were officers and neighbours. The entire block was bustling with questions and plausible confabulations that resulted in an irksome din.

An epiphany shrouded me; surely I wasn't the only person capable of implicating Kade, was I? There could have been people that had had one encounter with him before. I could only hope for the best possible outcome.

Gabe had not said much, given his perpetual absence from home. Though his exterior remained unperturbed in the least, I could see a huge fight brewing in his future.

"That will be all," Detective Weber droned. "Thank you all for your cooperation."

With that he turned, advancing towards his comrades.

Jared wasn't home, as expected, and I wondered if it had anything to do with the police being around.

Gabe perused the paintings on the wall, for probably the millionth time, perspicuously enamoured by them. Louisa was busy in the kitchen and I sat in my room by the window, scrutinizing the phone Ezra got me.

I would soon have to be joining her in the kitchen so she could put something together for us before she had to leave for her shift at the hospital.

I had a new phone now, to replace the one that the cunning thief stole. So, there it was: Me, one. Dirty thief, zero. Ha!

I felt quite fulfilled actually, as I resaved the numbers I'd memorized into the new device.

Ezra helped me make a small transaction too. I was able to save up some cash to send to my family and though it wasn't much, it was something.

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