39: Anaïs

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She exuded some traits of capriciousness, it was familiar. And the mischief in those eyes of hers...just like the twins.

Sighing exasperatedly, I pulled my book to my face to continue my reading. However, I couldn't seem to understand this time.

"You know, it's rude to stare," I scowled. "I know I have a spectacular face."

"No, I-" Anaïs began nervously.

"-don't flatter me." I waved a hand dismissively at the little girl.

She maintained her stance as we stared each other down. She wasn't backing down, that was for sure.

"Don't you have any other friends that you can stalk and creep up on?" I interrogated.

Her eyes widened momentarily just as the wind frenzied some of her curly hair.

"The sisters are all my friends." She announced.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course they are. And if you've been observant, you'll find out I'm not one of them."

Her face became flushed instantly. "But you could."

"What if I couldn't." I mused. "It's not like you could force me. What are you like? Five?"

The look on her face was risible and I was having so much fun riling the little girl up. This was something I would normally do to the twins.

Whatever confidence she had before now had deflated and I watched her try to compose herself.

"I-I am six, actually."

Now she'd become much of a blubbering mess. She was much more nervous as she shifted from one leg to the other.

"You can come to sit...if you want to."

She settled down beside me immediately. Soon, only the fountain's running water along with the soft whistle of the breeze could be heard.

"So, what do you want from me?"

It was a simple question, one that commanded an apt answer. I watched her wipe the beads of sweat that had accumulated on her forehead before she looked up.

"I want your friendship." She repeated.

"Here we go again."

I'd asked this question before and that was always what she went with. Not only was she a real pest but she was relentless at the same time. This was getting frustrating.

"Why do you want this so much? To be my friend."

I was normally the last person that anyone would like to befriend and also, the last thing I wanted was to get attached to anyone there.

"Because," she stressed." You're always lonely and alone and you could use a friend too."

"Oh, God..." I thought to myself. "I'm not lonely, Anaïs. And even if I was, what does it mean to you? You're just a kid and you don't understand much of anything. Now let's hear it."

"Hear what?"

"The real reason why you want to be close to me," I emphasized.

If I could handle my brothers in all their mischief then she was nothing but a piece of cake. So, I always knew when there were up to no good just as I always knew when there was a catch. Like right then.

Her agitation was noticeable and there was this look in her eyes...she was unsure. After a while, she produced something from her jacket.

When I reached out to take it, I noticed her hands were shaking and she avoided my gaze. It was a locket which I peered shortly at, before giving her a meaningful glance.

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