44: Kendall

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During the time of my convalescence, I was surrounded by so much love and support through Mother Superior, Sister Maureen, Anaïs and some other nuns. Surprisingly, Mary-Ann came around too—turned out I was kind of wrong about her. She was a good person for the most part but her ability to annoy could not be underestimated.

I was never truly alone during that time 'cause there was always someone around. Especially Sister Maureen; despite how cynical I had become, I had no reason not to let her in. She treated me so well and she became like the elder sister that I never had. Indeed, I could never forget her.

And what about Anaïs who never failed to talk my ears off whenever she came around and then she'd read me her books—she'd gotten quite well at that too and to think she couldn't pronounce words properly before.

Then, there was Mother Priscilla… She would always have a special place in my heart. I could vividly remember the day I met her like it was yesterday; I'd been under the rain without a single plan for how my life would go. She met me at the crossroads of my life and lent me a helping hand.

But I remembered that none of this would have happened had it not been for God's intervention in my life. I still couldn't believe that there were times when I had serious doubts in my mind, when I was blinded by the terrors in my life then tried to take everything into my own hands and do it myself when I should've sought him…

Thankfully, I was back on the right track and that was all that mattered…

Sighing, I ran a hand down my unblemished face. It was hard to believe just how much the surgery had changed me—of course the pains were immense but in the end, it all turned out good. There were still some scars left on my arms—they weren't very noticeable.

Anaïs said I resembled a porcelain doll she once had and to think of it, I didn't look too bad. At least, I looked good enough to turn heads when I walked around campus, looked good enough to receive a plethora of compliments everyday and have random cute guys ask me out on a regular basis.

The attention was kind of overwhelming to say the least but I could handle it. Only a few of them could accept me, had they seen me before my surgery. No matter what happened, I never forgot who I was; same ol' Carina, the girl with scars for a face, the freak that no one talks to. The nobody.

Cocking my head to the side as I stared at myself in the mirror, I wondered what my parents would think when they saw me again. I could only anticipate it and hope I wasn't too unrecognizable.

I was still in touch with Nicholas and sent back loads of money as often as I could. He was still sworn to secrecy as I also made him promise not to disclose the source of the money in case anyone asked. I planned to pay them an unexpected visit. It was going to be a surprise, a well-meant one—though I wasn't a fan of surprises but not when I was the one pulling it off…

Somehow, most of my dreams had come true. I always wanted to go to college and here I was; in college! And be financially free which I had also attained, thanks to Rowen who sent me unbelievable amounts of money each month all in the name of 'having to repay the debt he owed me'…yeah, I knew I'd have to ask him to stop at some point.

We did talk a lot over the phone and sometimes, he visited too, despite all his responsibilities as the CEO of a multi-billionaire company.

Things were much smoother between us then, at least I had come to terms with the fact that he was still the Ro I knew and took care of and didn't feel so awkward when he was around.

"Carina!" Kendall's voice reached my ears from outside my apartment. "Rina!"

That abridged name still stung my ears a little whenever I heard it, given that I was reminded of 'you know who'. However, I knew I needed to continue to hear it so I could be able to get past what happened.

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