60: The Aftermath

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By God's grace, we got to the hotel without any issues. The hotel staff were more than eager to offer us help in any way that they could and I found out that Trevor had also made arrangements to stay in the same hotel. Well, I wasn't surprised.

I entered Ro's room for the first time; it was just like mine except that it had darker colour themes. A physician was called to take a look at my Adonis and thankfully, he confirmed that Rowen would be alright by the next day.

The relief that coursed through me at that disclosure was profound as I had previously feared the worst and continuously muttered prayers to the Lord for his well-being.

"Thank you very much, doctor." I verbally expressed my gratitude as he packed up to leave.

Trevor sat on a chair close to Rowen's bed with an overly grateful expression on his chiselled face. I was sitting beside my fiancé and holding his hand. By then, his suit jacket and foot coverings were gone, leaving him in only his dress shirt and pants.

I had also put Ro's phone on airplane mode and left the device on the nightstand after having spoken to the bodyguards. Their leader, Sandoval, was anxious to know how and why we had vanished from the ball before it even ended.

After informing him that an emergency had made us leave, I took time to assure him that he and his group wouldn't be losing their jobs any time soon even though one of them had indeed laughed at me.

The leader of the goons wanted to speak to Ro—obviously, and since I didn't owe them any explanations, I just said that he(Rowen) wouldn't be able to speak to him at the moment. Trevor had offered to help me talk to Sandoval and I agreed.

Apparently, the head of Rowen's security detail and Trevor were acquaintances. They conversed in fluent Mexican over the phone, prompting me to wonder if all of my fiancé's close friends were fluent in different languages.

When Trevor finished, the matter was settled. It was as clear as day that Sandoval didn't quite trust me and I understood that. Hopefully, as time went on, all of that would change.

At a look, one would conclude that Ro was unconscious but he really wasn't. I observed that his lips moved rather subtly as though he muttered things only intelligible to himself. 

Finally, the doctor left, quietly closing the door behind him. My gaze returned to my fiancé's mesmerizing visage and I watched his brows twitch before a short screeching noise interrupted the silence. The noise came from Trevor as his seat dragged against the floor while he was trying to stand.

I tried not to feel annoyed since he had just lent me a hand in reasoning with the security detail. Still, I hoped that he would be more bearable immediately after he became completely sober.

Once he finally stood upright, he ran his hands through his long dreadlocks. "S-s-since we're s-s-sure that Wendy's going to be fine… I'll go to my room n-now. Goodnight, ma chérie."

I nodded, watching him shuffle towards the door with his folded jacket in his arm.

"Goodnight. Thanks for everything."

"Don't mention i-it. Wendy…owes me a b-big explanation when he wakes up," he uttered sluggishly.

After Trevor exited the room, I gave a wistful sigh and shook my head. We had all indeed gone through a lot that night and to say that I was exhausted would be putting it lightly.

Having decided that it was time to call it a night and leave my fiancé to recuperate, I leaned forward and pressed my lips briefly onto his forehead. As soon as I made a move to stand up, a hand shot out and clamped down tightly on my wrist.

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