14: Close Calls

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As Susan and her entourage—my terrorists—passed by, I held my breath beside Bambi. Fear clasped my throat in a deathly grip yet nothing happened, just like the other times. Ever since Evelynn dealt with them, things have been less consternating—serene even.

Not even as much as a glance from Susan or any of them. To sum it all up, everyone was pretty much minding their business...but I knew better than to just relax and take my guard down.

"So, now we're both done with our chores, I'm headed to the kitchen to go ruffle Bert a little bit. Might as well grab a snack while I'm at it, you coming?" She inquired.

When I shook my head, she said, "Oh I know what you're planning to do," she giggled. "You should give yourself a break from the nut business, Scar."

Yes, Bambi was onto me from day one. She pestered me so much that I had to let her in on what I'd been doing in the West wing.

Since the last two weeks, there had been changes in his state. He had gradually stopped the nightly shrieks and was less violent as well as tolerating me well enough that he didn't try to hurt me...most times.

I'd also tried singing several other songs to him but Black Rose remained the one that had the most effect. Earlier too, when I had asked Lenny—a brain box in the making—all she told me was; "Music is known to be therapeutic."

And when I stared at her like she had two heads, she emphasized by saying, "It soothes while keeping stress and anxiety at bay. As well as promoting mental health."

Even though she could've stressed more, I sensed that she had been holding back probably so she wouldn't confuse me again.

Panting and a series of clumsy running that echoed everywhere provoked me to turn. Bambi who was a few feet ahead did a full 180° too. Worried that the sprinting figure bounding towards us would crash into me, I was about to make a move when he flounced to a stop right in front of me instead of taking me down with him.

After Constance and Tommy's little stunt was discovered, as predicted by Bambi—who, needless to say, had broken into an obnoxious laughing fit as they were being escorted out—someone new was brought in almost immediately to fill in Tommy's void.

He was a lean, bronze-skinned guy with an exotic accent. I knew all of that only because Bambi and the others wouldn't stop talking about it and here he was in the flesh standing before me, well, more like almost doubling over and breathing erratically.

In a flash, Bambi who was making her way to the kitchen was suddenly by my side, eyes widened in anticipation. The lad raised his head and then looked from me to Bambi.

Having spotted my hideous features, his eyes zeroed in on Bambi preferably as he asked. "I was supposed to fetch someone, her name's Carina, and please do not tell me that you know not of her existence because I am exhausted."

It was easy to deduce that he had stumbled upon our unsavoury comrades who must've denied ever seeing me here. They should've convinced him that I didn't even work there. It sickened me to the core knowing that this poor lad had been running in circles all because of those rotten girls.

Bambi had been openly staring when I nudged her shoulder, prompting her to respond.

"Uum...well, I'll tell you the opposite if you want," she laughed, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

"Really?" He brightened, gazing hopefully at her. "If so then where can I find her?"

"She's right beside me," she said, rolling her eyes like it was my fault that he was here for me and not her.

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