26: Déjà Vu

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"Morning Carina!" My coworkers chorused as I was making my entrance through the back. Their high screeches jolted me out of my thoughts and I smiled, waving back.

I also exchanged greetings with the chefs and others.

"Hey so…Carina," Jocelyn called, instantly running up to me and clinging to my arm.

"Could you do me a solid?" She drawled.

"Really Jocelyn? Even today?"

Ever since I had started on that job, I tried to do as much as I could which helped me get promoted from dishwashing duty and inadvertently win over the hearts of many.

However, there were still those who disliked my existence. I knew I couldn't please everyone and I was not about to let it become an inhibition in my life.

Because of how useful I made myself, some of my coworkers had been taking advantage of my hardworking demeanour, turning me into some kind of work dummy. I was literally working shifts day in, and day out for anyone who had pressing issues that would hinder them from working.

Though it was uncharacteristic of me to say no, all those favours were beginning to tire me. She was staring ever so expectantly at me and all I did was release a sigh before concurring with her request.

Sighing deeply, I tipped my cap lower over my face as I surveyed the customers. The place was thronging with them and since I was mostly covering for Jocelyn alongside Beth and Rikki, we were forced to work twice as fast.

"Waitress!" A customer called.

I rushed to take his order. I collected two more too before going to submit it. As soon as I delivered the orders, the bell by the door rang, and in stepped a man who looked like he was around his late forties. The moment I saw him, I racked my brain to remember where I'd seen him.

That was when I tipped my cap even lower, knowing I was obscuring my view all the more. I knew that man from back home. He was one of Mom's customers and apparently he was in the city. It was no wonder I hadn't been seeing him again. Knowing he would recognize me too, I knew that I needed to get away from there like ASAP.

"Waitress!" That was another customer.

I shuffled warily over to her, subconsciously tugging on my apron, took down her order, and proceeded to make a beeline for the kitchen. However, someone else was quick to call my attention. I swiveled my head to see 'that' man, Mr. John if I recall well.

"Had he seen me already?"

It wasn't like responding to Mr. John was the worst thing that could happen. I just didn't want to be answering random questions, especially from someone who knew my parents.

Quickly, I looked around, spotting Rikki with a laden tray. "Hey Rikki, let me help you with that."

I was rapid with relieving her of the load, giving her the first order too.

"Which tables have these?" I enquired with utmost politeness.

"Table 6," she replied.

"Nice…hey could you help me out? Table 14 requires service." I informed, trying as much as I could to gesture to the man without spilling the contents of the tray.

"Okey Dokey."

I liked Rikki, she was so agreeable and easy to relate with. I hoped she wasn't noticing how strange I was behaving but if it were Beth, I knew I wouldn't get away with it easily. She was one of 'those' people.

I came back earlier than usual that day, due to how exhausted I was. The FoodMood restaurant was not less than a fifteen-minute walk from the McGregors'. I let myself drift into my thoughts as I walked, bumping into several people on my way and getting cautioned.

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