20: When The Mighty Fall

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SamuelVictor187, hope you're happy now. I updated...😪


Tears...cascaded down my cheeks as I folded my things into my bag hurriedly. The lads were ready to drag me out, kicking and screaming if I wasted any more time.

No one would listen to what I had to say. I didn't take anything and they should've checked the footage well-I was in Ro's room all along. But I knew there was a chance that any evidence showing that I was innocent would have magically disappeared by then.

That explained all those looks Anne and the rest were giving me. They were smiling because they knew what they'd done to me. I had underestimated them.

Soon I was being pulled out roughly, and I guessed that was when Evelynn must've recovered from her shock 'cause she intercepted us at that point. Both my ex coworkers and the lads alike were watching my humiliating treatment. They filled the halls.

My heart constricted painfully in my chest when I saw that look in her eyes, the one of disbelief, anger, and utter disappointment. She believed what they staged-their lies, nobody believed me even her.

"When I saw all the evidence-all the footage, I was comfortably believing that it wasn't you. How could you? After all, I've done for you-after all, she's done for you. You ungrateful brat!

You didn't even think for a second just how disappointed your parents would be. They trusted you-we all did but it's obvious you don't care about that! You don't care about any of it! You selfish, deranged-"

"-please Evelynn, you don't understand-" I tried to beg.

"-shut up!"

The words died on my tongue instantly and I was forced to hold my peace as I hung my head in shame. There were several gasps from the onlookers, some giggles too.

"Just take this," Evelynn pressed some money into my hand. "Take this and go back home to them. There's nothing left for you here."

She then walked past us but not without shaking her head defeatedly.

John, one of the men beside me, was the first to catalyze my pulling once again. My arms hurt, their rough handling was the cause and with the way they were hauling me along, I was certain my skin would get bruised. I was being treated like a thief for a theft I knew nothing of.

More tears threatened to spill but I knew I needed clear vision to not trip over my legs and be yanked even more painfully. We were now walking the path that would lead to the main gate, the same one Evelynn and I had come through seven months ago.

One of them had my duffel draped over his shoulder as we went. There were three of them in total, currently pulling me towards the gate.

"John!" Someone hollered from behind us. "Felix! Greg!"

They halted in their procession and we all looked back. Handro was running towards us. He was always running.

"Mr. Manuel wants you to have this," he gave me a folded piece of paper, panting. Then, he nodded toward his coworkers and began to walk back.

We continued on and at that point, they had freed me from their vice-like grip while letting me walk by myself. My duffel bag was also now in my possession. All was silent except for the rustling of leaves and my sporadic sniffing.

As soon as the huge gates came into view, I remembered when Evelynn and I stood in front of them, waiting to gain entrance, and at that point, I would be the only one being shoved out forcefully.

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