32: Ireful Ironies

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🚨 Alert: This chapter contains a mild mature scene. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip to the asterisks '*️⃣' and read on from there.🚨


"Look, I'm-I'm not Giselle. I'm Carina, your best friend! Yeah, she's(Giselle) the one that you have problems with, not me." My voice quivered with every word. I was done being her. She was a seasoned thief and I had never tried to take anything that was not mine in my life. Now, why couldn't he see that?

In spite of his inebriated state, he still managed to be as menacing and regardless of his teetering, it was crystal clear he was headed for me.

"Look what you've done to me, you witch!" He yelled.

I had never had an experience similar to that and as a result, I had no idea the first thing to do. My eyes found the door and I made a run for it. Regardless, the way he retarded my movement, sending me flying backwards, shocked me.

His nightstand broke my fall and while his lamp, and clock, along with everything that had been on it lay in a broken heap on the floor, I was doubled up in pain, coughing.

Instantly, I realized there was something stronger than alcohol in his system. He advanced toward me and as the last resort, I tried to appeal to him. There had to be a sliver of the Jared that recognized me for who I really was.

"JJ? Please listen to me. It's Carina and you have to snap out of this. You're scaring me…"

Finally, I summoned the courage I needed to grab hold of him in an attempt to make him recognize me. I'd confirmed what Gabe had told me; sadly, Jared was into drugs and that had to be what he was on, right then.

He paused, and for a moment I thought that I had gotten through to him until his hand collided with my face. It felt like an electric shock—a brutal one at that and somehow, I had flailed haphazardly onto the nearest furniture piece, my head connecting excruciatingly with the headboard.

"You'll not deceive me this time, b*tch. Come h-here I'll teach y-you a lesson…"

"No Ja-r-red p-p-lease," my head was already throbbing hard. My strength dwindled as I struggled with him. "L-leave me a-lone…"

He pummelled me repeatedly, growling every time I resisted. At one point, I couldn't even recognize the situation.


But he didn't. He didn't listen. I could vaguely hear the ripping of fabric, a weight descending roughly on me. I tried to fight it, but light-headedness had settled and I found myself fading in and out of consciousness. Everywhere hurt.

The ripping persisted just as the cold seeped in gradually. I thought my nose was runny but a strong metallic scent bombarding my senses would point to something much more staid.

"How do you like t-that now Giselle? You think you can doublecross m-me a-and humiliate me?" He chuckled darkly, his face coming into my line of vision.

Roughly, he dragged a finger down my marred cheek, laughing maniacally. Hence, the dizziness had transcended into a stark torpor and I could only but stare meaninglessly into those vengeful bloodshot eyes.

I could feel myself slipping away, my condition deteriorating rapidly. His ragged breathing on my bare neck along with the pieces of my raiment all over the place hinted to me of what was to come. It wouldn't be a pleasant experience, yet there was little to nothing I could do to avert the crisis…

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That odour… That revulsive scent… I knew it too well. The pungent antiseptic. It was way too familiar…

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