16: Babysitting Ro

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"Thwack!" There went the spoon as it hit the floor and skidded away haphazardly. I almost snapped. I wanted to put him across my knee and spank him right then.

He was making things so difficult for both of us. The idea of putting him in that straight jacket that was lying around somewhere was not far from me, especially if it would compel him to eat that food then I would do it for sure!

I looked at the mess all around us; food was splattered everywhere and so was my optimism. As it was my first day officially assuming that position, I was out to give it my all. Yet here I was, stuck in that quagmire.

After Dr. Henrique had told me of his displeasure with drugs, it was up to me to find a way to get around it. So, I sneaked it into his food and now I was stuck wondering if he had displeasure for food too.

Sighing, I wiped some food off my brow and slid the tray off my lap. I left it in front of him before standing up to go grab a broom. That messed up room wasn't going to clean itself. He sat up straighter and continued watching me.

The staring was something I didn't think l was ever getting used to. It was so unnerving having those keen silvery irises watching my every move but I did my work.

"You know it'll be highly appreciated if you just ate your food. Aren't you starving? You hardly eat and you're so skinny. l want to help you and I can't do that if you're being so obstinate. Just help me help you..." I spoke, knowing he could understand.

I was now cleaning up the bathroom and was currently dragging a cloth down the mirror. It was disappointing 'because I was still going to come back tomorrow to see the whole place messed up again.

The breaking of glassware induced me to abandon what I was doing. I ran out of the bathroom only to see him holding pieces of the plate that contained the food.

He had eaten it and then proceeded to break it afterwards. I watched as he tried to drive a shard into his arm then swooped in to snatch the glass piece from his hand.

The fragment itself had already made jagged cuts in his hand as blood trickled down. He held his hand out to me and stared, probably waiting for me to clean it up like the last time.

"What was wrong with him?"

Frustratedly, I picked up the remnants of the broken plate and disposed of them before coming back to clean his wounds up. He kept on staring holes at the side of my head and I was so livid about him doing this to himself.

When I tried to stand up he held my arm in a firm grip compelling me to make our eyes meet. They looked remorseful but I knew he'd do it again when he got the chance. I ripped my arm out of his and went back to resume what I was doing.

After hurriedly arranging his wardrobe which comprised so much expensive clothing, I grabbed a chair and sat.

From his previous position on the bed, he had moved to stand by the windows. He had been looking out when I had re-entered and the moment I did, his stare became solely concentrated on me again. As soon as I sat, he imitated my actions, and then we were locked in a staring contest just like that.

The clear sunlight danced in those irises, lending an ethereal crystalline façade to them. They seemed to glow bright and clear and I watched, mesmerized.

Leaning forward in my chair, I asked. "What's your name?"

I stood and shuffled around for some stationery. After placing them in front of him, he looked up at me and then at the items.

Slowly he picked up the pencil, lifting his hand onto the paper and I watched with anticipation. Then, he let the pencil slide down his palm and slid his gaze back to the window, losing interest immediately.

Shrugging, I went back to my seat and settled down. Now, it was my turn to stare. He was capricious, and I feared that that certain quality was already making things harder for me.

My eyes were beginning to drift close at one point, however, a repulsive scent forced me wide awake. He was now in front of me which prompted me to jump to my feet as I staggered back trying to regain my composure.

I walked back to the bed and arranged it before sitting and beckoning for him to come.

After tucking him in, I propped myself up on the upholstered headrest and began to sing in a soothing tone.

When I wasn't in any immediate danger, singing that song caused me to reminisce about the times that my Mom sang it to me while stroking my hair and assuring me that everything was going to be fine. Nothing measured up to those blissful moments.

That was why my family meant the world to me; after everything that happened with the fire and all, they were always there. During those dark times in my life, they were my ray of sunshine. I'd always treasure them.

"🎶Hold unto it all..." I concluded.

Subconsciously, I had been stroking his hair. Though greasy, it wasn't that bad and he had drifted off somewhere along the line. He looked so peaceful.

I sighed, standing up. My legs felt flaccid but I walked on.

Squatting by the piece of paper, I picked it up and was about to crumple it before I noticed some roughly scribbled letter-looking things on it.

Squinting hard, I was able to make out the letters, 'R' and 'O'.

"Ro..." I let the words roll off my tongue smoothly as I stared thoughtfully at his sleeping form.


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