25: From Home With Love

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My walk to the FoodMood restaurant was brief yet filled with a profusion of timorous thoughts. I hoped I didn't look like some schoolgirl with my dressing. The weather was fair and the day looked bright and promising.

Hopefully, all would turn out well, notwithstanding how late I was and it was my first day. I was never that late to anything and I guessed I'd wasted my only chance at making a good first impression.

"Hello…" Mrs. Agnes said, smiling as we shook hands. She was the sole owner of that fine establishment and she had these very striking features. However, what I really admired about her was how humble and receptive she was.

I noticed this from the very first time Jared and I came there sometime last week and I thought she was only acting that way because we were around other people.

But then, that day, after coming in through the back as directed, coming in contact with other employees in the very noisy cooking space and now we were on her turf, I found out that she was still...the same. Now, I was rest assured that it wasn't some kind of act and I was profoundly glad for it.

"I absolutely admire your clothes," she complimented.

I laughed and thanked her, half hoping she wasn't being sarcastic with that comment.

"Sit…have a seat." She said and motioned for me to sit. I subsequently obliged.

Her office was quaint and almost picturesque, especially with the way everything was balanced and arranged, down to the choice of the linens.

She asked me several questions concerning myself and my education amongst other things, I understood the reasons for such and I tried to be very honest with all her questions and all the subjects she brought up.

I figured that maybe she was probably trying to understand my ability and see how she could use my abilities in her establishment.

Later, she started me off with dishwashing duty. It was very easy for me since that was the kind of thing I always did plus, it was a common skill.

Even my coworkers were fairly warm when you put aside those who were outright offended by my appearance and luckily, pretty much everyone minded their business which I thought promoted the most conducive work environment.

The day went by smoothly and before I knew it, there went two weeks, three weeks, and then a month. I was also able to put a call through to my parents. Well, it was when Ezra had called me after dinner one night, asking me if my parents had known I was there. I remembered how that call went.


"Do they know? Peter and Elizabeth? I hope they know you're here." Ezra asked and faced me, awaiting my answer. But when I remained a stuttering mess, refusing to make any coherent, understandable phrase or sentence, he frowned at me.

"You know this isn't right. Your parents should have been the first people to know about all this. They would be worried sick." He said as he pulled out his behemoth of a  phone.

He was right, but I was already worried sick about how they would react. However, it was only when the dialing had commenced that I realized the magnanimity of the entire situation. I sighed, exhaling deeply.

After the third try, she picked… unfortunately.

"Hello?" There came her familiar tone. It sounded weary and severely fatigued.

Guilt washed right over me that instant. There were multiple reasons why it could sound that way; work stress or...or the twins. I for one knew how impossible they could be.

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