Meet Smaoineamh

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Wattpad Star, Paid Story writer, author of The Sword Unbroken, and self-proclaimed Wattpad Old-timer. It's none other than smaoineamh! Join us as we talk about Smaoineamh's favorite Wattpad writers, and their current work.

Did anything in your book happen to you in real life?

I write Fantasy, so I am relieved to admit I haven't experienced any sword fights, poisonings, or fake dating in enemy territory. (Yes, I did find a way to get the classic fake dating trope into my dark Fantasy story. I'm a Romance writer in a speculative disguise!)

Describe your perfect writing area?

I love writing in coffee shops, but this has been a year of adapting to new circumstances. I've found that I do better with more natural light, so I try to write next to a window. Got to have some tea nearby, as well as a notebook and pens in case I want to switch to writing by hand, a technique that helps get me through when I'm stuck.

What's the hardest scene to write for any of your stories?

It's a boring answer, but I loathe transitions! Any time I need characters to get somewhere, or time to pass, I bribe myself with cookies to get it written. I've learned that my best tactic is to ask myself what's the next part I'm really eager to write. When I've identified that, I toss out some quick filler sentences (or skip it entirely and mark it for later) and jump to the scene I'm excited to tackle. During revisions, I go back and smooth the transitions. That's really helped increase my overall production.

What Fantasy sub-genre is the easiest for you to write?

Not sure it counts as a sub-genre, but I always write Fantasy with a significant romance in it. Aside from that, I love devious political machinations, clever, conniving characters, and plots stuffed with twists and secrets. For those reasons, I lean toward court intrigue and political Fantasy.

Do you plan as you write or plan before writing?

I am a plan before writing, draft before posting kind of writer. I do character prework trying to figure out what my character's deep emotional wound is and how it messes them up (yes, I embrace being an Evil Author) as well as outline my plot chapter by chapter. When I first started on Wattpad, I wrote while I was posting, but I lost readers when I couldn't steadily post once per week. Now, I always write a finished draft before I start posting. It gives me time to edit and polish while I'm posting, and I'm also able to put up more chapters a week that way.

Who's your favorite fantasy author?

Impossible to choose! In traditionally published books, I love N.K. Jemisin, Tamsyn Muir, and C.S. Pacat. On Wattpad, I adore Wicked Waters, the first book in an epic Fantasy series by @CeeMTaylor, I got a sneak peek at @SmokeandOranges beautifully written, eerie White Crystal Butterflies, and I love the mash-up of speculative elements and romance in Static Crush by @kataraqui.

Most used app?

Probably Twitter, although I'm supposed to be reducing my doom scrolling!

Favourite social media?

I'm an old granny when it comes to social media. Poking my phone, mumbling, "Somebody tell me how to turn this thing on!" That said, I do love my bookish corner of Twitter where I post reviews of awesome books and like every joke about enemies-to-lovers I can find. Come find me and say hi @scperri

A city or country you'd like to visit?

I've always wanted to visit the temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and it's been a dream to go to Japan as well!

Introvert or extrovert?

Definitely an introvert. I've escaped into worlds in my head since I was a little kid, and it's amazing to realize that it turned into a skillset I rely on as a writer.

Can you tell us about what you're currently writing?

I just finished major revisions on my quarantine fluff project, Opalina Outpost, so now I get to move on to new drafts! I'm in outlining stages for a sequel to my backstabby darling, Consort. I've also got a new Fantasy/Romance idea on deck about a perilous game played in a portal world that will be an exciting world building challenge for me.

What would you like to tell up and coming writers out there?

First of all, you CAN do it! I love writing in part because it's one of the few things that has no expiration date, and as long as you are willing to work at it, you can and will improve and reach new milestones. Besides that, some practical advice: Try to set goals for yourself that are fully in your control. Read a lot in the genre you want to write. Search on Youtube, your favorite author's blogs, and podcasts for free materials on improving your craft. Two of my favorite resources are the Writing Excuses podcast and Brandon Sanderson's SFF creative writing class, recorded and posted free on Youtube. Lastly, keep supporting and encouraging other writers, because this is ten times more fun when you've got people around who love the challenge and the joy of writing.

Thank you smaoineamh for your time spent on this interview.

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