Meet Rita Marga

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                     Interviewer: mikaelkrownmk

A passionate writer with an extraordinary talent to breathe life into her creations. Her talents are endless, as she's even got more awesome writings in store for us. Let's all give Rita_Marga a warm welcome as she gets on our interview hot seat today.

What's your name and tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Marga Rita. I'm an ambivert. At work, I can be jolly and sociable, but during my breaks, I want to be left alone. I consider that small window sacred. During that time, I can meditate and write stories.

What or who inspires you to write?

They say when your work is something you love, it's not work. It's passion. Writing is the same thing. It's something I like to do.

What do you think makes a successful book?

For me, a successful book has successful plantings, an unexpected ending, and leaves a lasting impression.

What's your favorite quote?

"Stand by those who stand by me." I love this quote because of my introverted nature. I do have trust issues. I only let a few people enter my life, but oftentimes, some of them remind me why I shouldn't trust at all. But those who prove to be faithful till the end, and love me despite, knowing I inadvertently push people away, I reciprocate their loyalty with double the amount of what they give me.

Define Fantasy in your own words?

Fantasy is a world of magic, and out of this world, with characters that are gifted or unique and are usually seen as weirdos or underdogs.

Are you a planner or a Pantser?

I'm a planner. I like to make sure that things in my story are hemmed together perfectly. I don't like plotholes.

Who's your OTP?

Daphne Bridgerton X Simon Basset from Bridgerton.

Who's your favorite fantasy author?

C. S. Lewis.

Pet peeves?

Halitosis. Idiots.

Most used app?


A city or country you'd like to visit?

New York.

What's the first book you read on Wattpad?

Equilibrium, by Shimosu.

Read the book or watch the movie?

Watch the movie.

Kittens or puppies?


Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

I finished book 2 of the Shadow Lights series (Shadow Lights and the Fruits of Light). It's in its first phase of editing. I'm currently working on a romcom that touches on LGBTQ+ and Christianity.

And there you have it from Rita_Marga. Thank you for your time spent on this interview.

Catch us next time as we bring on another amazing Fantasy author. Till then, have a magical week ahead.

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