Meet Karlie Nyx

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Don't let her age deceive you as we welcome one of the most talented writers in our community, please give your warm greetings to

What's your name and tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Karlie Nyx, and I'm a fourteen year old Hong Kong Chinese student currently studying in the UK. In a boarding school, actually, though so far I haven't seen anything happen that comes straight out of a dark academia fiction. I've been writing since I was around eight years old, and mainly write teen fiction, historical fiction and fantasy.

What's your writing process?

I have a word count minimum of one thousand words a day, so I usually sit down any time I have and just write a little bit every time until it reaches that or more. I'm a plantser, so I don't generally plot out anything I write for the day, though I usually do have a general idea of what I want to achieve in each chapter. I don't tend to do much editing until I'm finished with a book or on the second draft. It's honestly one of my least favourite things to do, though this also means I regularly have readers pointing out typos and random mistakes I made throughout the chapter (thank you so much for those!).

How do you deal with writer's block?

There's a few ways I deal with writer's block. One of them is just... not writing for that day. I'll just do something else until I feel inspiration hit me again. Most of my writer's blocks don't last long, so this usually works like a charm. However, in the case the writer's block lasts a prolonged period, I'll usually start reading stories and watching shows similar to the premise of my story and looking through all my plans for one story to see how to proceed. That usually gives me some ideas of what could happen next in my stories.

What's the hardest scene to write for any of your stories?

Any scene with fights, especially when characters are injured. I'm just... really bad with fight scenes, honestly, it's not a particular talent of mine. I've never paid much attention when reading them, which probably adds to the difficulty. I've been trying to improve, but it's a slow process. As for injuries, the pure amount of googling and researching I have to do for a single wound sometimes really annoys me, especially since that isn't really an area I'm much interested in either.

Is there a book that is featured in our reading list that is your favorite?

Bride of Alvar! It's actually one of the first few books I ever read on Wattpad from my memory, so it still holds a special place in my heart. It's been a while since I've read it, though, so I think it's probably time for a reread soon.

Define Fantasy in your own words?

Fantasy... just, magic, honestly. In my opinion, it's one of the genres that gives the author the most control over their universe, since you could change the very rules of it and still have it make sense. It's why I enjoy it so much.

What's your favorite Fantasy book on Wattpad?

Easily Some Kind of Disaster by @metalbenders, which is actually a Harry Potter fanfiction (I hope that counts?). It's one of my favourite books on the entire platform and I religiously reread it every few months. Taryn's writing is beautiful, and the characters in the book live in my mind rent-free. But in the case that doesn't count, I'd say Crown of Glass by @rubyruins! Simply adore that book, I was left in such a bad state of book hangover after finishing it and then proceeded to send the link to every single one of my friends with Wattpad begging them to read this masterpiece.

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