Meet Melody King

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                              Interviewer: mikaelkrownmk

We've got another one of our contest winner with us today. She's no other than MelodyKingWriter. Here's her interview below.

What's your name and tell us a little about yourself?

My pen name here on Wattpad is Melody King. I’m currently in my first year of college. I am a bonafide Disney and superhero nerd. Before all of this craziness that is our world, you could often find me at the movie theater on weekends with friends. I love music so much, and for a few years, I took dance classes in Hip-Hop. Acting is one of my biggest passions – I’ve always been in love with storytelling so when I can’t write a story, I love to act it out.

What or who inspires you to write?

My family and friends definitely inspire me and encourage me. My mom always jokes with me and says “I told you so” whenever I do well with my writing (but I’m always to stubborn to admit it haha)

What's your favorite quote?

Oof that’s a tough one, but I think my favorite right now has to be “Anyone can have a once upon a time or a happily ever after, but it’s the journey between that makes the story worth telling” – Chris Colfer

Did anything in your book happen to you in real life?

Oh my god, I WISH. How cool would it be if I discovered a magical world? I think maybe the closest is that the two main characters of my book Fairytale Fate are theater kids? I had to give my fellow theater nerds some love somehow!

Define Fantasy in your own words?

Fantasy, to me, is the confirmation and reassurance that imagination and creativity aren’t dead. In Fantasy, there are literally no rules, no boundaries, so it’s so fun to see authors introduce brand new, complex worlds that we’ve never seen before.

What's your favorite fantasy book on Wattpad?

Oh god, this is the toughest one. I have so many, but right now it would definitely have to be either Death Ascending by @WrennaStone, The Dragon’s Scale by @Cross-Warrior, or Frostborn by @LightenTheShadows

What Fantasy sub-genre is easier for you to write?

I think it would be High Fantasy because of the magic and mythical creatures (and I’m also a sucker for the medieval aesthetic).

Who's your favorite fantasy author?

Hands down, Jenna Moreci. I’ve literally torn through her Savior’s Series in record time (when I honestly should have been doing schoolwork but shhhhhh…). Her YouTube videos are also hilarious and super informative.


I have an unhealthy obsession with movies and visual media, so Netflix or Disney+ are usually open on my computer. I also really love to cook - my specialty is chicken teriyaki.

Pet peeves?

People who aren’t considerate of other’s feelings.

Most used app?

TikTok, without question, although Wattpad is up there too. I always somehow get trapped scrolling on TikTok for hours when I originally only hopped on for five minutes….it’s a problem bahaha

A city or country you'd like to visit?

I would absolutely love to visit anywhere in Europe. I’ve traveled a little bit (Pre-pandemic) but it’s always been inside of the US, where I’m from, so I’d love to explore other countries.

What TV show are you obsessed with right now?

Oooh definitely WandaVision and Bridgerton, they’re both fantastic. I’m also super pumped for Falcon and the Winter Soldier, they’re two of my favorite characters!

Is your glass half full or half empty?

I’d like to think that my glass is half full. I’m very fortunate for what I have and the amazing support system behind me.

What makes you laugh the most?

My favorite comedians are John Mulaney, Sebastian Maniscalo, Robin Williams, and Trevor Noah so anything they do is guaranteed to get a laugh out of me.

A celebrity you'd love to meet?

My soul would leave my body and go straight to heaven if I ever got to meet Taylor Swift. She is literally my life, I love her so much.

What's your greatest fear?

Losing someone I love.

Winter or summer?

See that’s hard, because I live in a pretty temperate area, and I’m right by the beach, so it never gets too hot or too cold where I am. I honestly can’t decide. I love the vibe of summer and the activities that come along with it, like going on bike rides and hanging around the fire pit with friends late into the night because the sun sets really late. But I also adore the coziness of winter and the amazing traditions that go along with it.

Bad boy or Billionaire stories?

I’m honestly not a fan of either, but I feel like there’s more variety with bad boy stories. Although I will say that @AvaViolet’s With Me series is my favorite take on the stereotypical “bad body” story.

Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Back in January I finally finished the rewritten draft of the first-ever book I published to Wattpad, Fairytale Fate: The Legend Begins, which I co-write with my best friend @OriginalFairytale. It’s about twin sisters Aura and Carolyn, who stumble upon a world where the fairytales we know and love are real and the girls are tasked with restoring the Stories’ happy endings after they were stolen by the Villains years before. I’m currently publishing one to two chapters a week every Friday! I still can’t believe that I actually get to say that haha. This is in the VERY early stages, but I’m currently in the planning/outlining stages of a teen fiction romance that I’ve wanted to write for years.

And there you have it. Thank you so much MelodyKingWriter for your time spent on this interview.

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