Meet Glenn Koerner

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                            Interviewer: mikaelkrownmk

And last but not least, we've got GlennKoerner with us today. Here's the interview we did with him.

What's your name and tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Glenn Koerner, and I am a NERD and proud of it. Fantasy and Sci-fi are my bread and butter.

What or who inspires you to write?

When I read or watch a terrible story, I think, “I could do better,” and I start re-writing it. I’m motivated to put quality stuff out there when I see it lacking.

What's your favorite quote?

“Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become.” – Gandalf. I love that quote because it makes me wonder how many bad guys may fear us and who we will become.

Did anything in your book happen to you in real life?

Other than a couple of characters being janitors, no. My books break out of the reality that is so I can go on the adventures I can’t have in my actual life. Real world is boring; let my fly on the back of a tame dragon!

Define Fantasy in your own words?

Fantasy is the magical twin of the technological Sci-fi where strange and wondrous creatures and impossible inventions actually exist in a world or worlds with unlimited possibilities for adventure

What's your favorite fantasy book on Wattpad?

Immortalia by MajaDiana.

What Fantasy sub-genre is easier for you to write?

I don’t know. I write in many different sub-genres, and they’ve seemed similar in their difficulty/ease to write.

Who's your favorite fantasy author?

R. A. Salvatore


I paint Warhammer minis, both 40K and Age of Sigmar.

Pet peeves?

When people borrow something and don’t bring it back.

Most used app?

Wattpad. Even when I’m offline, I can have something to read wherever I go and don’t have to drag a suitcase full of books with me to have options.

A city or country you'd like to visit?


What TV show are you obsessed with right now?

Not much on TV these days to obsess over.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Half-full and filling up to overflowing.

What makes you laugh the most?

Comedian Jeff Allen.

A celebrity you'd love to meet?

Mark Hamill

What's your greatest fear?

Not finishing my books and accomplishing the other goals I want to reach.

Winter or summer?

Winter. There are things you can do to fight cold, but so little you can do against heat.

Bad boy or Billionaire stories?


Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

I’m working on a story called, “Ending the World” – it takes current times amps them up and leading to the four horsemen of the apocalypse. I’m 39 chapters in and just getting started.

And there you have it. Thank you GlennKoerner at for your time spent on this interview.

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