Meet Akeila

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We've got another awesome Fantasy author for you today. Hailing from the Philippines, please welcome, akeila_agramunn , and let's hear what they've got to say.

What is your country of origin?


What other languages aside from English can you speak fluently?


Are you writing under a pseudonym? Is there a story as to how and why you came up with it? Please tell us about it!

Yep! My pseudonym Akeila Agramunn comes from a variation of my actual full name. I thought of it when I wanted to change it from the first pen name that I used to use, which is the name of one of my book protagonists.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Why do you want to be a writer?

I found my passion for writing when I was reading in Wattpad as usual. I realized that the people who were writing the books I read were regular peeps just like anyone else, including me.

Please tell us about your story/ies on Wattpad so that readers could find them.

I have quite a few fantasy stories going on in my profile, so here's a couple to get y'all started:

Rise of the New Olympians, the first book I've ever written, is about a teenage girl who finds out that she has been gifted with the power of telepathy by her least favorite Greek goddess. If you're a fan of Percy Jackson, then this one's for you. Even better, it's the first in a series and has a sequel going on!

In love of the Arabian Nights? The Jewel of Zecaj is a remix of the tale Aladdin. A poor orphan and a secret prince team up to find a legendary item that can give its owner unlimited wealth. Spoiler alert: it's not a magic lamp.

For you, what is the importance of having a process in writing? Do you have a process? If so, please tell us about it. If not, why?

Having your own writing process is important because it's basically your "map" for writing things. Without it, one would most likely be wandering around in their mind haha.

Yes, I have my writing process, even though I'm more of a pantser than a plotter. This more or less includes writing down all possible scenes of my story and arranging them in chronological order. Sounds pretty basic, right? But hey, if it works for me, then it works.

What makes for an appealing character in Fantasy stories? Why?

I believe all character and their tropes are appealing when executed the right way, but what makes them appealing for me at least is their chemistry and dynamics with other characters. Even if one character is the exact opposite of another in terms of beliefs, traits, etc., nothing can go wrong if they can still go along while they save the day.

How do you come up with the plot of your stories?

I don't, believe it or not. The plots just come about at the moment, which makes me obligated to stop whatever I'm doing and write it down before it vanishes into thin air.

Share some interesting facts about the magic system you have developed in your stories.

I haven't made my own magic system yet I believe, but I'd like to do so in the future :)

Out of all the genres, why fantasy?

When I read books, it's my favorite among the genres out there, and naturally I had to try my hand on it. It's my comfort genre of sorts for escapism and it never fails to do its trick.

What do you think is the most alluring subgenre of fantasy?

Well, I'm pretty sure there are tons of amazing fantasy subgenres that I haven't tried yet, but I'm going to settle with urban fantasy.

How do you manage criticism?

I'm mostly okay with asking for criticisms for my books. Every writer needs one if they want to improve and all. It's the actual reading of them that I have to worry about.

When I get new Wattpad comments from my book club partners, I often have a hard time simply going over the notifications and reading them from start to finish. A part of my feels giddy whenever I get the comments because who doesn't want to get more praise and engagement for their books, amirite? But then there's this other half, the bad and pessimistic part, which often gets the best of me and convinces me that those comments are saying mean things about my poor writing and perhaps my own self as an author.

Thankfully, though, it's just a temporary phase, and I just manage to grow out of it and eventually learn from my partners' feedback.

What are some tips you can share to help new and old fantasy writers alike?

This is more like a word of wisdom, if you will: If you think what you're writing seems unbelievable, then you're doing a great job as a fantasy writer.

What do you wish to get out of your journey as a writer?

Thanks to my introversion, among other things, I'm a very cloistered fellow, and literature has been one of the ways I could 'see' the world. As a writer, I want to use my so-called job as a way for me to connect with other people in general and to gain good life experiences and learn new lessons that I would never learn by myself.

Share some fantasy stories that you wish had more books.

I want more of Jude and Cardan from Folk of the Air!

Share your favorite dish and what makes it your favorite.

Nothing can give me more nostalgia than a Filipino-style spaghetti.

Share some of the fandoms you follow.

If it isn't obvious yet, I'm a decent PJO fan. As for movies and shows. . . gotta love the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Share something unordinary about yourself.

I'm a Filipino who understands more Arabic than my native languages, and this doesn't include Tagalog.

Share one delicacy from your country that everyone should try.

Cassava cake coz it's plain tasty

Share one thing your country is known for.

Typhoons (not something to be proud of)

Share your travel destination wishlist and why you wanted to go there.

I hope to go to Dubai one day to see the Burj Khalifa and reach the clouds (the latter is more like a dream haha)

Share one reader comment that changed your life.

Not a comment, but more like a reader who bothered to read my works in the first place. Thanks to PyroTank for sticking out for as long as you have.

Share your other hobbies.

If I'm not writing or reading, I'm watching TV shows and movies, and eating food.

And there you have it. We hope you enjoyed this interview with akeila_agramunn. To check out their works visit these links:

Rise of the New Olympians

The Jewel of Zecaj

Catch us next time as we bring on another amazing Fantasy author. Till then, have a magical week ahead.

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