Meet Kennedy Lee

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                Interviewer: mikaelkrownmk

This little ray of sunshine has lightened the pages of the fantasy world with her imagination. Her perfect writing setting may not always be there, but her creativity never runs out. Please welcome Kennedylee.

What's your name?

I prefer to go by my pen name, Kennedy Lee!

What's your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is ridiculously long (lol) and on my author bio but I'll give my second favorite! "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -Anne Frank

Can you describe your perfect writing area?

My perfect writing area is a comfy chair, any body of water near me (pool, lake, ocean), and a cup of coffee in hand. Though, I usually settle for tucked into my bed with my phone!

How do you come up with names of your characters?

I like my characters' names to mean something! My main characters will usually have names that add to the symbolism I'm trying to convey in the story. Also, perusing baby names websites is a great way to procrastinate actually writing the story lol!

Define Fantasy in your own words?

Fantasy, to me, is the genre we created because we had questions about the world and we wanted the most creative and ridiculous answers... so we made them up.

What Fantasy subgenre is easy for you to write?

I love Urban/Contemporary Fantasy. Throwing mythological creatures into a high school, city, or college setting is an absolute blast for me!

Are you a planner or a pantser?

I am 100000% a pantser. I've tried to plan, I've tried to outline, but when I get to writing a scene my characters sort of go on their own tangent and I discover plot lines that I hadn't thought of when I first began. It's chaotic and crazy but it feels more realistic when the plot reveals itself as the story goes along. I'm just chasing after it with a pen and paper and hoping I get it all down.

What's your favorite Fantasy book on Wattpad?

My favorite fantasy book on Wattpad is the Little Bird series by AVA LARKSEN. Her stuff is AMAZING!!!


I looooove to read (obviously) and I like to paint a lot. I'm not very good but I'm trying to get better lol!

Pet peeves?

Oof. My pet peeve, worst of the worst, is when people are rude to waiters/waitresses, customer service workers, or retail workers. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Favorite Colour?

Sunshine yellow!!

Most used app?

Wattpad (lol, of course). Although, Tik Tok is coming at a close second.

How do you relax after a long day?

I love cuddling up with my dogs, watching Netflix or reading a book to help unwind.

What TV shows are you obsessed with right now?

I just finished Shadow and Bone and LOVED it!  I'm also obsessed with any marvel tv shows and all the DC tv shows too! Love love love superheros.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

My glass is definitely half full! I consider myself pretty optimistic, but I like a healthy dose of realism every once in a while.

What's your favorite family holiday tradition?

My family has this awesome holiday tradition of traveling to wherever it's warm in the middle of winter. HAHAHA no snow for us. Noooo thank you.

Is there a celebrity you'd love to meet?

I think I would die if I met any avenger. Particularly Tom Holland or Sebastian Stan. Might combust... who knows.

Spring or Autumn?

Spring for sure!

Kittens or Puppies?

Puppies! But kittens are cute too, but I love my doggos like children.

Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

I'm currently writing Eminence, an urban fantasy centered around a half-fey girl who has recently become next in line for the throne. There are forces at play that will do whatever is necessary to keep her from it even though she's not entirely sure she wants it. Little bit of romance, little bit of mystery and adventure, and a whoooole lot of fantasy. (;

And there you have it, Kennedylee has spoken. Thank you so much for your time spent on this interview. Catch us next time as we bring on another amazing Fantasy author. Till then, have a magical week ahead.

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