Scarlet Cheeks

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Chapter 71

Your pov

1 week later

My last day. Last day of peace, last day of waking up late in Draco's arm, last days of Molly's delicious breakfast and last day with my mom.

We were going back to Hogwarts tomorrow and things with the ministry were going even worst that at the start of the year which meant that Umbridge would be even more of a bitch . My heart tied, I made my way to the kitchen where everyone were already eating. Harry ,being the first one who saw me, gave me a guilty smile. Even if we had talked and I had forgiven him he still looked at me the same pitiful way.

The last few days had been amazing and the idea of leaving such delightful place broke my heart.

Molly: Cinnamon bun love?

Y/n: W-what?

Molly's tender words bursted the bubble I had locked myself in.

Draco: Are you okay baby? You look troubled..

George: Yeah you look more deplorable than you usually do; he grinned

A small smile crept on my lips while I saw Molly hitting George with a towel.

Y/n: I'm fine, just not very hungry.

Draco: It's fine, I'm finished. Do you want to go take a walk?

Y/n:oh yesss!

Molly: No. It's too dangerous, both of you are being searched for by the deatheaters! I would never forgive myself if something happened to one of you.

Y/n: Please, please, please. It's our last day before we have to go back to see Umbridge; I said while giving her puppy dog eyes.

Molly: Fine. But if you two are not back in an hour I'm sending the whole order to find you.

Draco: One hour?!

Molly: Not one minute more; she shrudded

Y/n: Understood. Come on Draco; I agreed while taking Draco's hand

Fred: No public shag you two; he yelled as we walked out.

I giggled and heard Fred's complaints.

Fred: Ow! I was joking mum!

Draco grinned and I saw his lips form a playful smirk.

Draco: No promises Freddie; he yelled back

I gasped and we soon heard Molly's furious footstep and the others laughs.

Molly: What?!?!

Y/n: Run.

We ran out of the house, laughing until we needed to catch our breath.

Y/n: You're so dumb; I giggled while hitting him on the shoulder.

Draco: I was only telling the truth; he grinned

Y/n: We don't have enough time for that Draco, we only have an hour.

Draco: Fine; he pouted

Y/n: Doesn't mean we can't do it later big baby.

He stopped pouting to give me a knowing smile.

Draco: Sounds good. Shall we?

He gestured me to take his hands, which I did.

Draco: Are you going to tell me what was bugging you earlier? he asked me as we kept walking

Y/n: How did you...

Draco: Darling just tell me.

Y/n: I guess it's just that this as been so great, apart from my dad's death, that I don't want it to be over.

Draco: But baby, we'll still be all together, things aren't going to change.

Y/n: Yeah but...Hogwarts doesn't feel like home anymore.

Draco: I know baby. But just think about all the things waiting for you. There will still be DA meetings plus the ball is coming soon.

I had almost forgotten Draco had joined our DA. He was also right, the ball was something I was waiting for ever since Dumbledore announced it.

Y/n: You're right. Thank you.

Draco: We'll need to find a way for you to sneak in my dorm every night though because I have gotten used to sleeping in the same bed as you.

I smiled and kissed his cheeks.

Y/n: I love you so much.

Draco: I love you to; he blushed

Y/n: Did you just blush?! I smirked

Draco: N-no.

Y/n: I think you did

Draco: Shut up; he mumbled


Draco: Ok that's it

Before I knew it I was pinned on the grass my cheeks a bright scarlet as I felt Draco's hand brush one of my hair behind my ear.

Draco: Who's blushing now; he smirked


YIKES YIKES YIKES.I hate this chapter, I feel like my story is becoming worst every chapter lmao. I know what I want to happen next but I don't know how to bring the story to it and I feel like my last chapters have been so boring. Anyways vote and comment.



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