More Than Ever🔥

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Chapter 16
Your pov:
It felt weird getting down the stairs because everyone was staring at me.. I didn't know if it was because I was with Harry or if they were actually looking at me..when we arrived at the bottom I made eye contact with Malfoy who seemed to be mesmerized by the way I looked.

Y/n: You have a little bit of drool there White ferret.


He checked to finally realise I had been playing him.

Draco: As if Two-men girl!! You should watch your mouth before you need to get punished.

I laughed before walking away with Harry.

Harry: Why did he call you Two-men girl?

Shit I forgot about that!

Y/n: Oh I don't know it's Malfoy it's probably a stupid joke..


He didn't really seemed to believe me but didn't ask any other questions.

Since Harry was one of the champions we had to open the ball with a dance.

Y/n: Harry my waist!

Harry didn't seem to be listening he was looking at something. I leaned over to see what he was looking at and almost burst in rage when I saw he was looking at Cho chang.

Y/n: Harry!


Y/n: My waist!

He finally understood just as the music started to play. I knew I should be focusing on my dance but I was still pissed about the fact that Harry was looking at Cho.


As soon as the dance finish I got away from Harry quickly leaving him confused. I sat at a table trying to contain my tears. Harry came to see me with a confused look on his face.

Harry: What is it?

Y/n: You were looking at her weren't you??

Harry: At who?

Y/n: You know who!

Harry: Look, I just taught she looked good.

Y/n: You like her don't you?

Harry: No I don't!

Y/n: Don't lie to me!

Tears were now running down my face.

Harry: Y/n... ... I..I like you as much!

Wow, that means he like her as much as me. And how is that suppose to make me feel better...

Y/n: No you don't !!

People started turning around to see what was happening.

Harry: I love you..!

Y/n: DON'T! Don't pretend like you do! I think it would be better if we didn't date anymore..

Harry: WHAT!?

Y/n: I am sorry you made your choice. I should have known when we started dating, I already knew you liked her but I thought maybe you would forget her.. I guess I was wrong..

Harry: No I didn't you didn't let me! I choose you anyway!

Y/n: Well I don't! Now You are not going to ruin my night so don't try and talk to me for the rest of the ball ok?

I ran away. I decided to go to the bathroom to clean up and calm down since I was crying but I bumped into someone. I looked up to see grey eyes looking back in my green teary one.

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