Drop Out

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Chapter 55

Your pov:

The day was going on really slowly and wasn't actually very fun. Every one of my friends were hangover which made them grumpy the whole damn day. Since I didn't feel like talking to them I gathered my things and walked to my last class of the day, DADA. I sat and began getting lost in my thoughts. Weirdly enough, I actually was waiting for my detention with eagerness. Seing Draco was the only good thing that would happen in my day. People started entering the class and I prepared myself for another class of listening to Umbridge's bullshit. Someone sat beside me and I turned to realise it was Draco. The smile that had appeared on my face quickly disappeared when I saw the look Draco had on his. He looked sad, empty.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Draco: My parents want me to come home for the winter hollidays but he's still there.. And I really don't think I'll be able to face all this shit alone, not again.

I immediatly understood who he was talking about.

Y/n: I'll come with you.

Draco: No, Y/n I know how much you hated it the last time plus, you told me your parents and you were spending the holidays together.

Although the thought of missing the first Chrismast in years with my parents wasn't appealing I couldn't leave Draco alone .

Y/n: I wasn't asking for your opinion, I said I'm coming with you.

A small smile made its way on his lips.

Draco: Thanks; he whispered

Draco: I'll make it up to you tonight; he smirked

I felt myself getting wet at what he was implying. I foccused myself on Umbridge oly to notice she wasn't saying anything of interest. I decided I didn't wanted to go through her sh*t anymore so I picked up my books.

y/n: I'll see you later.

Draco: What?! What are you doing?

Without answering him I got up and made my way to the door.

Umbridge: Mrs. blake what are you doing?!

Y/n: Something better than listening to you.

Umbridge: DETEN..

Y/n: Yeah I don't think so. Oh and one last thing professor, how are your snake bites?

She looked at me with disbelief. i winked at her before exiting the class. I felt good, like a fresh breeze of air. I walked to Mcgonagall's office hoping she wasn't in a class. I knocked on the door and to my relief she openned.

Mcgonagall: Mrs.Blake? Why aren't you in your class..?

Y/n: Since you're the Gryffindor's house head I wanted to inform you that i just dropped out of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Mcgonagall: Mrs.Blake, you can't do that, It's a necessity to pass your owls.

Y/n: Don't worry professor I'll find a better way to learn, have a good day.

I walked to the common room feeling proud with myself but also worrying about how I'd manage to pass my owls without attending my DADA classes. I studied until my friends arrived next to me.

Ron: Y/n that was brilliant!

Harry: i agree

Hermione: But how will you pass your owls...

Y/n: I don't know I guess I'll found a new teacher; i joked

Hermione: That's a great idea! In fact we all should.

Y/n: Hermione I was joking...

Hermione: Well I'm not.

We spent the next 30 minutes talking about a plan for us to actually learn something this year. I looked at the clock and saw I was running late to my detention.

Y/n: You guys keep searching for ideas i need to get to my detention with Snape.

Hermione: About that, you never told us how you got it?

I didn't actually want to tell Harry and Ron that I got a detention because Draco told the whole class he'd rather be having sex with me then listening to snape so i gave Hermione a look that meant «I'll tell you later». I got out of the common room and walked to the potion classroom. When I arrived he was already waiting for me with Draco.

Snape: Nice of you to join us Mrs. Blake, like I just told Mr.Malfoy over here I want you to clean these cauldron, with not magic, I'll be back in one hour.

With that he left the room. I turned to face Draco and noticed the huge grin he had on his face.

Y/n: What...

Draco: Time for me to make it up to you.


Almost 30 K guys, this is amazing! Leave idea of what you'll like to see next in the story:) Sorry that this chapter is so short.



Rough love (draco malfoy fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt