A New Year

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A/n: Before getting into it I just want to apologies for not posting in the last two days I am actually sick right now and so I wasn't really in the mood to write:) Whitout further a due...


chapter 45

Your pov:

I was walking back to Draco's room Nulu still in my hands. I was shaking from the recent event. I actually didn't understand a sh*t of what had just hapenned.

Y/n: Nulu..Do you have any idea what Nagini meant when she talked about our <<connection>>..?

<<I'm not sure about anything really I just know that from all the wizards I've talk with I never felt a connection like when I talk to you...Do you feel it?>>

Y/n: I do but since I never talked to a snake before I thought it was like that with everyone.

<<It really isn't, for exemple did you feel it when you talked to Nagini?>>

Y/n: No..but I didn't feel her strenght..

<<Nagini is very powerful, almost as much as a wizard..she actually very strange that's why when I felt her in the house I had to go see..>>

Y/n: And look where this got us.


Y/n: It's fine just don't do it again I really don't want to loose you.

We were now at Draco's door and I really hoped he would still be asleep. I openned the door slowly trying to be as quiet as I could.

Draco: Where were you?! You do know he's here tonight!!

Y/n: Yes.. but Nulu got away I wasn't going to let them find her...

Draco: Don't do it again.

Y/n: I won't.

I really wanted to tell Draco everything that hapenned but something inside of me told me it would be better if I kept it for myself. At least for now.

Draco: Now come back in the bed with me before I make you.

I felt butterflies dance in my belly.<< Really? Now,I horny right now?!>>

Y/n: I would like to see you try.

The words left my mouth without thinking and I saw Draco turn back around with a smirk on his beautiful face.

Draco: You really want to do this now.



That bloody heart off mine, it's going to kill me.

Draco: You're in for a rough ride darling.

Palpitation. Merlin that boy knew how to make me sweat.

Y/n: I expect nothing less from you daddy.

And like that, the clothes were off. Again.


Nothing new really hapenned in my life since the start of the summer, I saw my parents once..It was pretty akward. I spent time with Draco, we kissed , picked up flowers, walked, watched the stars, had sex..alot of it. Pretty  much the same every day but today it was time to go back to hogwarts and that made me stressed. I still didn't really know what going on in the outside world and I tried to stay as far away from any of it since my last  encounter with Voldemort. Draco still didn't know about that and I was not planning on telling him. I knew him to welll he wouldn't let me get back to hogwarts and would literally go crazy. I missed my friends. I missed Harry , Hermione and Ron. It was more than time for me to see someone else from Draco. Don't get me wrong I love him very very much but I needed the Gryffindor warmth again.

Rough love (draco malfoy fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora