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Chapter 43

Your pov:

It was taking a very long time for Draco to come back to the room so I decided to go to sleep. Beside, my plan was to tease him and waiting for him would make him win. To be sure he got the message when he did finally come back I got dress in a very basic pyjama. It didn't take much time for me to doze off because I was exhausted. I slowly closed my eyes thinking about the past few days.


The next two days went on pretty slowly. Nothing new really, same old bullcrap, same old deatheaters and mostly same old feelings.


I woke up the next morning thinking my day wouldn't be much different but I was suprised with my family's owl , Edred, knocking on Draco's window a box hanging from her talon. I opened the window for her to enter and caressed her feathers.

Y/n: So Edred what do you have for me?

At that same momment Draco entered the room.

Draco: Are you talking to yourself?

Y/n: No; I said as I took the box from Edred's claws.

Y/n: I recieved a package you see.

The box started moving in my hands.

Draco: Why the hell is it moving?!

Y/n: I don't know ; I said as confused as him.

Y/n: I guess we'll have to open it to find out.

Draco: Don't!

Y/n: Why?

Draco: What if it's like a monster or something.

Y/n: Are you serious right now? You 're a freakin wizard draco why are you afraid of monsters?!

Without listening to him I opened the box and to my suprise I found a white snake. There was also a letter.

Y/n: Oh it's gorgeous!

Draco looked inside the box and stepped back in digust and fear.

Y/n: You are such a p*ssy!

I took the letter in my hand and read it.

Dear Y/n,

We are so sorry about sending you to the Malfoy without telling you first. We know you most be mad at us for not being here with you. I'm sure you've found out what our job really is but please before you think to bad of us you most know something, we aren't really working for You- Know -Who we are spies for the Order. Be carefull please destroy this letter after you've read it. We know how much you like white snakes so I hope this present will make you forgive us a little.

With love

Mom & Dad

I was shook, this was a lot of informations to process at the same time. So they were working for Voldemort but not working for him at the same time? I'm not suprised, my parents are good people. They are very brave, both were sorted in Gryffindor and it didn't actually make sense for them to be Deatheathers. I most have had a strange face because Draco looked worried.

Draco: What is it? What does it say?

Y/n: Oh nothing it's from my parents they wanted to give me a gift so I would forgive them about leaving me here alone.

I immediatly burned the letter.

Y/n: Incendio

Draco: What did you do that for??!!?

I loved Draco, I really did but I couldn't tell him about the letter. I hated lying to him but it needed to be kept a secret.

Y/n: I'm not going to be bought with present.

That was such bullsh*t even I wouldn't have believed myself.

Draco: What?

Y/n: Forget about it.

I took the snake in my hands. It was really pretty. I always loved snake but I never actually saw one, except from Nagini that one time of course. They fascinated me. Something about snake just attracted me.

Y/n: So, what am I going to call you; I said looking in the snakes big eyes.

'' I already have a name''

I swear I had heard a voice so I turned to Draco.

Y/n: Did you say that?

Draco: Say what?

Y/n: You didn't hear it??

Draco: Hear what?

Y/n: The voice!

Draco: First you start talking to yourself now you're hearing voice.

Y/n: I'm going to try something.

Draco: Whatever.

I looked in the eyes of the snake before whispering something.

Y/n: Tell me what your name is.

'' Nulu''

Y/n: Tell me you've heard that!!

Draco stared at me with an agape look.

Y/n: What?

Draco: I din't hear whatever you wanted me to hear but I did hear you speak f*cking parseltongue!

Y/n: That's impossible!! I am not a Slytherin I'm a Griffindor. Plus I would have known right?

Draco: You don't have to be a slytherin to speak parseltongue and have you actually seen a snake before today?

Y/n: No..

Draco: Then you have your answer.

Y/n: I can't believe I'm actually a parsel-mouth  and I never knew about it...

I looked at the snake.

Y/n: Well then Nulu, you and me are going to be together for a long time.

Nulu didn't say anything she just crawled up my arm and rested around my neck.

Draco: That's so hot.

I blushed.

Y/n: You think they knew?

Draco: Who?

Y/n: My parents.

Draco: I'm sure they did.


I spent my whole day getting to Know Nulu and it was a refreshing change of my usual days.It was now time for bed. I laid on Draco's bed , him already sleeping, with Nulu on my pillow beside me.

'' Did You heard that''

Y/n: Heard what; I whispered.

And then I heard it to. A snake wandering around the house.

Y/n: That's Nagini, stay here he's not friendly...

'' She's''

Y/n: Nagini's a she?

'' I'm just going to go look''

Y/n: Nulu stay here!

I raised my voice in a whisper but she didn't listen and was already gone.

Y/n: That bloody snake.

I silently got up from the bed to go find my snake but when I reached the door it hit me. If Nagini was here that meant he was to...


A/n: I have no idea what the hell that his but I just followed my instinct and it lead me to that. Tell me what you would like to see in the next chapters and thanks for reading.

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