1 In My Time of Dying: Part 3

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I woke up to Nurse J. peering over me. "Sorry to wake you, I'm just changing your bandages."

"It's okay, thank you." I smiled.

She smiled back. "Of course." Then she turned to walk away.

"Is Brooke gonna be in today?" I asked before she left the room.

Nurse J. stopped dead in her tracks. "Who?" She turned slowly.

"Brooke... uh, Brooke Peterson," I said, confused.

Nurse J. walked toward me. "How do you know that name?"

I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean?"

Nurse J. took a deep breath, gave me one last look, and then quickly walked out of the room without another word.

A few minutes later, Brooke walked into the room, walked over to the windows, and started opening the curtains. "Good Morning, Sunshine." She smiled as she turned back to me.

I just stared at her.

Brooke furrowed her brow. "What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" Brooke asked.

"Well, it can't be a coincidence that Sam didn't even notice you sitting next to me yesterday. It can't be a coincidence that right after Nurse J. got freaked out when I mentioned you, you came in moments later. It definitely can't be a coincidence that you would show yourself to me out of all people in this hospital. If you wanted or needed help, you could've just asked me," I said.

Brooke looked at me, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You're a spirit... a ghost," I said.

Brooke looked down and nodded. "I know, I just didn't know how to tell you, if you would believe me or not... I know your brother said I could trust you, but—"

"What?! What are you talking about?!" I yelled. "Dean? Are you talking about Dean?"

Brooke quickly went over and closed the door. "Yes, keep your voice down, or they are going to take you to the psych ward."

Tears came to my eyes. "You've been talking to Dean, and you didn't tell me? He told you that you could trust me, and you still didn't say anything?"

Brooke came over and sat on the bed. "I know. I'm sorry, I should've just told you, but I was scared you wouldn't help me."

I shook my head. "What do you need me to do?" I wiped the tears away.

"Really? You'll still help me?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I will."

"Well, first of all. I'm not a nurse. I'm an— Sorry... was an Orthopedic Resident, working under Dr. Walker. Or as I called him... Jake," Brooke explained.

I nodded and listened to her story.

"Even though it's extremely frowned upon. Jake and I... well, we fell in love." Tears came to her eyes. "I had only started working at the hospital a little over a year ago, but I had met Jake right away, and we instantly had a connection. So, we started dating six months in. The problem was that I had already decided to switch my residency to another hospital, closer to home and my family. But it was halfway across the country, and I didn't have the heart to tell him." She was quiet for a moment.

"Brooke?" I asked.

Brooke sighed. "So, instead of telling him and losing time I could spend with him, I wrote a letter that I planned to give him the day I left, it explained how much I loved him and how sorry I was for leaving. I left it on his desk after my shift and left for the airport without saying goodbye, but after I crossed the street after leaving the hospital, I knew I couldn't leave him like that. So..." She looked down and started crying.

I leaned forward and cringed from pain, trying to pat her shoulder, but my hand just went through her into an icy cold mist. "Oh, jeez. I'm sorry."

Brooke chuckled between sniffles. "It's okay. It's the thought that counts."

I smiled at her, and then she continued. "So, I decided to turn back to get the letter and see him one last time and tell him how sorry I was, but when I did, I saw bright lights and heard the screeching of tires and..." She sighed. "It was over... everything."

"I'm so sorry, Brooke," I said.

She nodded. "So, I've been watching over him ever since."

"What do you need my help with?" I asked.

"Well, he never read the letter," Brooke explained.

"But didn't you leave it on his desk?" I asked.

Brooke nodded and laughed softly. "Yeah, but as unorganized as he is... he was flipping through papers on his desk and knocked it off. It's been stuck behind his desk for the last two months. I tried to get it myself, but it's jammed between the wall and desk, and apparently, I only have enough energy to do small things. So, I need you to get it and give it to him. It's the last time I will be able to tell him how much I love him and how much I miss him."

I nodded in agreement, but my door opened before I could ask her anything, and Dr. Walker came in.

He walked up to the bed and sighed. "So, I've been thinking, and if your family travels as actively as you say. I think a walking boot would suit you better than a cast. Is that something you would be interested in?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yes."

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