20 What Is and What Should Never Be: Part 2

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After the bus pulled up to the school, the bus driver opened the doors and let us off. A sudden realization came over me that I had no idea where I was going or where I needed to be.

I decided to walk with Nate, hoping that we would have other classes together because we had history together. Except when I turned to wait for him to catch up, he completely blew me off, sped past me, and stopped at a big group of boys.

"Hey, Nate?" I asked when I caught up with him, but he ignored me. "Nate?" I asked a little louder.

He turned to me, looking annoyed. "What?"

"Would you mind walking to class with me?" I asked.

Boys in his group made taunting "Ooo's," but that just seemed to make Nate more annoyed.

"No, what is it? Your first day?" Nate asked and then laughed.

The rest of the boys laughed at me mockingly, so I quickly turned away and walked into the building.

I wandered through the halls completely confused until a loud bell rang, and the hallways cleared out.

An older woman popped her head out of one of the rooms. "Miss Winchester. Get in here, you better not be late for my class. That'll be the third time this week."

I looked at her, confused. "Uh..."

She raised an eyebrow. "Don't argue. Let's go. Or you'll be headed to the principal's office, young lady."

I put my head down and walked into her room.

"Take a seat." She clapped her hands. "Let's go."

"Look, everyone. Frizz is dressed like a dude," a familiar voice said with a laugh.

I looked up after the room erupted into laughter to see Nate pointing and laughing at me.

"Mr. Harvelle! There will be none of that," the teacher scolded.

I made my way to the back of the room, where I spotted an empty seat.

The teacher cleared her throat. "Oh no, we've already talked about this. You're sitting up front. I want you paying attention... not doodling."

Everyone started laughing again because as I turned to head toward the front of the room, my bag caught on a desk and opened a pocket, causing books and papers to fall out onto the floor. I bent over and started picking them up.

"Quickly now. Quickly. I don't want you delaying my class any longer," the teacher scolded.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the day went basically the same way, and I'm sure I failed that stupid test I took. None of what was on it was even valuable information. If this is what a normal life was like, I wanted nothing to do with it.

I had no idea that kids my age were so mean for no reason, even when they called you their "best friend." I wasn't having any more of it, and I definitely wasn't going to let Nate walk all over me anymore, even if that's what my alternate reality self was supposed to let happen.

Once the bus dropped us off, I sped off, leaving Nate and Isaac behind.

"Hey! Wait up!" Nate called after me. Once he caught up to me, he put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I pushed his hand away. "What's wrong? Really? It was bad enough that people laughed at me on their own. They definitely didn't need your help."

"You're really mad about that?" Nate asked. "You know how it is."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 2 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now