12 Night Shifter: Part 2

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We continued on until we heard some whimpering and whispering coming from another room.

"Okay, we've got to get those people into the vault," Dean said and then looked at me. "You stay hidden. I don't want them to see you."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because when they see Sam and me working with Ronald, they are going to think the three of us are bank robbers or something. We might end up putting you in the vault, so I don't want any animosity toward you if they think you know us," Dean said.

"I don't want to stay in the vault," I said.

"I don't care. If that's what we decide is the safest place for you, that's where you're going, so just listen to me," Dean said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After gathering up the people in the room, Dean and Ronald herded them toward the vault while I hid behind the counters.

Once they were done, Ronald came out and nodded for me to follow him. When I walked in, Sam was standing outside of the vault.

"Maddison?" Sam asked and then turned to Dean. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"Ah, you know how much our little sister likes to listen." Dean held up the knife. "But she brought us this, so I'm giving her a little credit." He shook his head. "Look, it's shed its skin again. We don't know when... it could be in the halls. It could be in the vault."

"Great. You know, Dean, you are wanted by the police," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

"So, even if we do find this damn thing... how the hell are we gonna get out of here?" Sam asked.

"Well, one problem at a time. All right, I'm gonna do a sweep of the whole place, see if we can find any stragglers. Once we get everyone together, we've got to play a little game of find-the-freak, so... here." Dean handed Sam and me silver letter openers. "Found these for you. Now stay here, make sure Ronald doesn't hurt anybody, okay? Help him manage the situation."

"Help him manage? Are you insane?" Sam asked angrily.

Ronald looked over quickly, alerted by Sam's raised voice. Dean looked over and gave Ronald a thumbs up. He responded with a grin and then went back to keeping watch.

"Look, I know this isn't going the way we wanted," Dean whispered.

"Understatement!" Sam shouted.

"But if we invite the cops in right now... Ronald gets arrested. We get arrested. Maddi gets taken away. The shifter gets away, probably never find it again, okay?" Dean asked and then looked up at Ronald, who was standing in clear view of the windows. "Ron! Out of the light!"

Ron nodded and then quickly moved out of the way.

"Seriously?!" Sam yelled at Dean.

"Yeah, Ron's game plan was a bad plan. I mean, it was a bit of a crazy plan, but right now, crazy's the only game in town, okay?" Dean slapped Sam on the shoulder and then left.

Sam sighed, rolled his eyes, and leaned against the wall. Ronald looked over at us and waved.

"Hi, Ronald," Sam said.

"Hi." Ronald smiled.

Someone started pounding on the door. "It's way too hot in here! Please open the door!"

Sam sighed and walked over, cracking the door a bit. "I'm going to leave this open. Give you guys some fresh air, all right? But no one leaves this vault."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 2 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now