18 Hollywood Babylon: Part 5

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When I came to, I had been tied to a chair with my hands behind my back. My mom was pacing in front of me.

She looked over at me. "Aw, you're finally awake, sleepyhead." She smiled.

I furrowed my brow at her, wondering what the hell was going on.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me like that. I have my reasons... Azazel told me that if I brought you here. The demons would take you away, and he and I would finally be together forever."

I shook my head. "What? Who's Azazel?"

Renee laughed. "Who's Azazel? Yellow eyes? Demon? Ring any bells? Yeah, it's crazy to think that we would be together, but..." She sighed. "The things you do for love."

"Is this a joke, or are you completely insane?" I asked.

Renee stepped forward and slapped me across the face. "No. What's completely insane is being in love with a man who cares about your kid more than you." She shook her head. "I mean, are you kidding me? Look at me... he should've been obsessed, but no, not when you were around."

I shook my head. "What are you talking about?"

Renee sighed. "When I was pregnant with you, I met a sweet man named Michael. We met at the market, and he asked me out on a date. I was shocked because..." She rolled her eyes. "You made me so fat." She shrugged. "But I was smitten and, of course, agreed to go. One date led to several more, and then he eventually moved in. After you were born, you were his pride and joy. At first, I was happy because I barely had to lift a finger to take care of you. But after a while, he started to call you special." Her face turned red. "I wanted to be special! I wanted him to love me. So, I decided to get rid of you."

As she told her long obnoxious story, I was getting closer and closer to unsheathing my knife from the back of my jeans.

She shrugged. "At first, I was just going to smother you in your crib, but I decided against it. If I got caught, I would be put in prison and never see Michael again. Then I remembered that John had given me his number before he left. I called him to meet me at some motel. He agreed, so I gave you to him. I figured if you weren't around me and with someone who was hard to track down, Michael could focus his attention on me. But once he realized you were gone, he hated me, and he left."

I furrowed my brow. "So, why am I here?"

"A few days after you called me, Michael came back. He told me everything that Azazel is his true name and that he's a demon. At first, I didn't believe him, but then he shows me his beautiful yellow eyes." Renee's eyes sparkled like she was completely in love. "He said he needed you for his plan, he refused to go into detail, but he said that if I brought you here and let his demons take you away. That he would finally be with me."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Renee turned excitedly. "Oh, that must be them..." She turned and walked into the other room. "Where's Azazel?" she asked.

I finally got my hand on my knife and turned it to start cutting my ropes.

"He had to run a few errands. He will be here for you soon," a man said.

As footsteps started getting closer, I was becoming nervous because I was losing grip on my knife. Millions of thoughts started running through my mind. How could this be happening? What if I never see Sam and Dean again? What does the yellow-eyed-demon want with me? Where are his demons going to take me? I started to tear up as Renee, and a man walked into the kitchen.

Renee stepped forward and wiped a tear away. "Don't do that. It's ugly."

"Oh, shut up." The man slit Renee's throat, and her blood spurted all over me. "I've wanted to do that for a long time. I don't know what that crazy woman has told you. Azazel only wants you. We just needed her to lure you here alone. Azazel had his chance to raise you as his own, and she ruined that. You were going to be his perfect child." The man smiled, and his eyes went black. "With her out of the way and your idiot brothers not here to protect you, he wants to start over." He shrugged. "You're not a baby anymore, but you're still young and moldable. Personally... you're a Winchester, and I think we should kill all of you off. We got Mary. We got your dad. Why not you too. Azazel would kill me, but I guess I could take a few fingers..." He shrugged. "Maybe a toe. It wouldn't be exactly what I want, but it would be enjoyable..." He smiled. "For me."

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