10 Hunted: Part 2

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"Maddison... Maddison..." Dean's voice rang in my ears, and I opened my eyes.

I looked up to see Gordon pacing in front of me. I looked down and realized my hands were tied to the arms of a chair. Dean was in the same situation as me.

"Oh, you son of a bitch. For your health, you better tell me that split lip is not because of you," Dean growled.

Gordon shrugged. "Sorry, Dean. She's a cute kid, but she had a gun pointed at me."

"That's my girl," Dean said with a smirk as he looked over at me.

I smiled at him.

Ring! Ring!

Gordon pulled a phone out of his pocket.

"Is that my phone?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, looks like it's Sammy." Gordon smiled. "So, here's what's going to happen. You are going to answer the phone and lure him here."

"And why would I do that?" Dean asked.

Gordon walked over and stood between us. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at my head. "Because if you don't, I will have to kill your sister too."

"All right," Dean growled.

Gordon answered the phone and put it to Dean's ear.

"Hello?" Dean asked. (...) "Sam, we've been looking for you." (...) "I know." (...) "Yeah, we talked to Ellen. Just got here ourselves. It's a real funky town."

My eyes darted to Dean's as he said, "funky town." He was letting Sam know something was up. I felt relieved because at least Sam would be ready for something.

"You ditched us, Sammy." (...) "What? Who?" (...) We're staying at, uh..." Dean looked up at Gordon.

"5637 Monroe Street," Gordon whispered.

Dean rolled his eyes. "5637 Monroe Street. Why don't you meet us here?"

Gordon hung up. "Now, was that so hard."

"Bite me," Dean snapped.

Gordon walked over to a table with his back to us and started going through a bag.

"So, Gordy. I know we ain't exactly your favorite people, but don't you think this is a little extreme?" Dean asked.

"What? You think this is revenge?" Gordon asked.

"Well, we did leave you tied up in your own mess for three days." Dean laughed. "Which was awesome. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh."

"Yeah. I was definitely planning on whoopin' your ass for that," Gordon said.

Dean nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"But that's not what this is. This isn't personal. I'm not a killer, Dean. I'm a hunter. And your brother's fair game." Gordon turned around and slammed a large knife into its sheath.

Dean and I looked at each other shocked.

Gordon clipped the knife to his belt and grabbed a shotgun off of the table. He walked over and leaned against a pillar, cradling the gun.

"See, I was doing an exorcism down in Louisiana. Teenage girl, seemed routine, some low-level demon," he said calmly. "But between all the jabbering and the head-spinning, the damn thing muttered something... about a coming war. And I don't think it meant to. It just kind of slipped out. But it was too late. Piqued my interest. And you can really make a demon talk. You got the right tools."

"And what happened to the girl it was possessing?" Dean asked.

"She didn't make it," Gordon said, straight-faced.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 2 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now