18 Hollywood Babylon: Part 1

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March 12th - March 18th, 2007

We took a few days off to let Sam relax after everything that had happened with Madison. He hadn't stopped searching for a new case the entire time, though, and eventually, he stumbled across one.

An actress had found a man bloody and wedged in between some rafters on a movie set. Rumors were flying around that the set was haunted, kind of like "Poltergeist," bad things just kept happening. Sam was convinced it was caused by something supernatural, so Dean agreed to go. I, on the other hand, did not want to because it was in... California. To be specific, the case was in Hollywood, which was only fifteen minutes away from my mom's town.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked as he picked up his phone.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

He lowered the phone. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I said I would give it a try."

"All right." Sam dialed the number and then put the phone up to his ear. (...) "Hi, this is Sam Winchester..." (...) "Yeah, I'm calling you back 'cause Maddison's still interested in meeting you." (...) "Well, here's the thing... we are actually leaving for California tonight for a case." (...) "Yeah, we should be passing by in the morning. We'll be staying for a few days." (...) "Oh, awesome. Just text me the address, and we'll see you tomorrow." (...) "All right. You too." He hung up. "Well, we're gonna see her tomorrow."

"What did she say?" I asked.

Sam shrugged. "Well, she said if you wanted. You could visit with her during the day while we are working."

"Well, if that's the case. Make sure you have your knife on you," Dean said.

"Dean, what the hell?" Sam asked, irritated.

"We don't know this woman. She could be crazy," Dean said.

"Dean!" Sam yelled.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Way to build up her confidence," Sam said.

"I'm not trying to make her nervous. It doesn't hurt to be prepared," Dean said.

"You know damn well that if we thought for a second, she would hurt Maddison, we wouldn't leave her there," Sam said.

"Yeah, I know. People can be deceptive," Dean said.

Sam just stared.

Dean shrugged. "You can stare at me all you want. I'm not agreeing to this visit unless she brings some kind of protection."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As we pulled into the driveway of a big, beautiful house in a well-manicured neighborhood, my heart started pounding, and I felt sick to my stomach.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, I change my mind. I want to help out with the case."

Sam turned to me. "She's expecting us. We can't just leave now."

"I know. I'm kinda freaking out though," I said, nervously looking up at the house.

Dean looked at me in the rear-view mirror. "Maddi, it's okay. We'll be with you when you meet her... and if you decide after that you don't want to stay, you can come with us."

I nodded at him.

"Okay, you're making me a little nervous," Sam said, "You're stark white. Here." He picked up his water bottle and handed it to me. "Have some water and take a deep breath."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 2 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now