4 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things: Part 3

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The next morning, we went to Dr. Mason's house. Dean had been irritated since the night before. He believed that Dr. Mason had used an ancient Greek ritual to bring his daughter back from the dead. We had been researching it, and all signs were pointing to Angela's father, but something just didn't seem right about it.

Dean pounded on the door.

"Dean. Take it easy, okay?" Sam asked.

Dean pounded on the door again.

Dr. Mason opened the door. "You're Angie's friends, right?"

Sam nodded. "Dr. Mason—"

"We need to talk," Dean snapped.

"Well, then, come in." Dr. Mason stepped to the side.

Sam nodded. "Thanks." He gave Dean a concerned look before walking in.

"You teach ancient Greek. Tell me..." Dean pulled out images we had printed at the library. "What are these?"

Dr. Mason took the pictures and examined them. "I don't understand. You said this had something to do with Angela."

Dean nodded. "It does. Please, just humor me."

"They're part of an ancient Greek divination ritual," Dr. Mason said.

"Used for necromancy, right?" Dean asked.

Dr. Mason nodded. "That's right."

"See, before we came over here, we stopped by the library and did a little homework ourselves. Apparently, they used rituals like this one for communicating with the dead. Even bringing corpses back to life. Full-on zombie action," Dean said.

Dr. Mason nodded. "Yes. I mean, according to the legends. Now, what's all this about?"

"I think you know," Dean accused.

"Dean," Sam warned.

"Look, I get it. Okay? There are people that I would give anything to see again. But what gives you the right?" Dean asked.

"Dean!" Sam yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Mason asked, upset.

"What's dead should stay dead!" Dean yelled.

Dr. Mason was shocked. "What?!"

Sam put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "Stop it!"

"What you brought back isn't even your daughter anymore. These things are vicious, they're violent, they're so nasty they rot the ground around them. I mean, come on, haven't you seen Pet Sematary?" Dean asked.

"You're insane," Dr. Mason said.

"Where is she?" Dean asked.

Dr. Mason pointed to the door. "Get out of my house." He picked up his phone and started dialing.

Dean knocked the phone out of his hand. "I know you're hiding her somewhere. Where is she?!"

"Dean!" I yelled.

"Stop, that's enough! Dean, look!" Sam grabbed Dean's jacket and pointed to a potted plant on a table. "Beautiful living plants." He turned to Dr. Mason. "We're leaving."

Dr. Mason picked up his phone. "I'm calling the police."

Dean pulled out of Sam's grip and stormed out.

"Sir, we're sorry. We won't bother you again," Sam said and then put his hand on my back, leading me out of the house. "What the hell is the matter with you, Dean?" he asked after we caught up with him.

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