3 Bloodlust: Part 1

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August 15th - August 17th, 2006

Dean had finally fixed up the Impala, and we were on the road again. I had received good news too. The doctor said that my arm should be healed in about a week, and my cast would be coming off. He also said that I could put more weight on my ankle, and I would only have to wear a brace soon.

We were on our way to another case; this time, people were finding severed human heads, and cattle were coming up missing and being found dead.

Dean was jamming out to "Back in Black" by AC/DC and loving having the Impala back. "Whoo! Listen to her purr! Have you ever heard anything so sweet?"

"Ya know if you two wanna get a room, just let us know, Dean," Sam joked.

Dean rubbed the dashboard. "Oh, don't listen to him, baby. He doesn't understand us."

Sam laughed. "You're in a good mood."

Dean smiled. "Why shouldn't I be?"

Sam shrugged. "No reason."

"Got my car, Maddi's getting better, got a case, things are looking up." Dean smiled.

"Wow. Give you a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows, and you're Mr. Sunshine." Sam laughed.

Dean laughed. "How far to Red Lodge?"

Sam looked at the map in his lap. "Uh, about another three hundred miles."

Dean smiled and floored it. "Good."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sam and Dean dropped me off at a motel since I really wouldn't be able to help much. Most of the information they were getting was through law enforcement.

I occupied myself by researching my mom on Sam's laptop, but the only thing I could find about her was that she lived somewhere in California. Honestly, I was just relieved to find that there wasn't an obituary for her. Sam and Dean still didn't know that Dad gave me her picture, and I wasn't sure why I was keeping it a secret from them. I guess I just felt like it wasn't the time to get them involved so close to Dad's death.

I was starting to get worried, though, because the boys had dropped me off around noon, and now it was getting dark, and there was no sign of them. I got up and walked over to call one of them when Sam opened the door, looking unhappy.

"Hey, where's Dean?" I asked.

Sam sighed and shook his head. "He's at a bar with Gordon." He rolled his eyes.

"Who's Gordon?" I asked.

"He's a hunter," Sam said.

"Oh, so something is going on here?" I asked.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, vampires."

"Are they the ones killing the cattle?" I asked.

Sam shrugged. "I don't know. It seems like the cattle might just be a fluke."

I nodded. "So, why are you acting weird about Gordon?"

"There's just something off about him. I mean, I know we kill things all the time, but it's like he enjoys it too much," Sam explained. "I'm gonna call Ellen, see if she knows anything about him."

I nodded and sat back on the couch.

Sam sat on one of the beds, pulled out his phone, and dialed her number. "Hey, Ellen, uh, Sam Winchester." (...) "Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Got a question." (...) "You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?" (...) "And?" (...) "Well, we ran into him on a job, and we're kinda working with him, I guess." (...) He furrowed his brow. "I— I thought you said he was a good hunter." (...) "Ellen—" (...) He nodded. "Right, okay." He sighed and then hung up.

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