🟥 🟥 Red Fury Time #3

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**************PART 27**************


Back at the Thundercrows hideout, the group have gathered to discuss today's event happened around them. Few members were confused on why most of them were angry and frustrating as they look down.

"So, you're saying they escape?!" Marlin was even more shocked and angry than the others. He slapped his face, trying to calm down but no matter what, his mind always boils down to the fact that the non-humans have caused their trouble. "First, they infiltrate my hideout and now, they escape!"

"Those two must be so clever to find us!" Timothy added. He was frustrating to lose as well. As the only guy who can make plans to stop them from running, he didn't expect the non-humans can be capable to counter them back.

"At this rate, they'll call their friends and fight us back!"

It's true. After all the things they did to the non-humans, the Thundercrows might be caught and get punished by the police. Their playtime and their hiding plan will be over.

Since they commit a violent act of bullying the non-humans every day, the Thundercrows were speechless. It was their first time they let two non-humans escape and bet, they would act and let the adults find them.

"Let's pay them back." Marlin's voice was deep that everyone can hear he's mad. "Before they tell them about us, let's find them, have our revenge... and show them who we are! Who's with me?!"

Marlin raised his fist and motivate his team. The others lifted their head and saw their hope once again. One of them raised their hand and tells he's in with Marlin. After that, more of the team joined in. Even Timothy lends a hand to his leader and clench his fist to rise it proudly.


Marlin can see their determined face. He was quite amazed they aren't giving up even though his mission was to eliminate the non-humans. He's very lucky to have his team follow him.

"Thundercrows! Let's fight!" 

In Golden Square Apartment,

Harvey stretched his arms and looked at the sunlight outside the window. He wasn't trying to burn his eyes but watching the light makes him relieved it's a lovely day.

He went outside the balcony to take in the fresh air. Staying in a room is so hot that he needs to cool it down. Just then, he heard a doorbell ringing near in the living room.

Harvey peeked through the peephole, wondering who it was. The landlady looked a bit impatient as she was waiting and holding the phone, which Harvey jumped out and opened the door. He welcomed and asked her a problem.

The Landlady gives the phone to him without saying anything. Harvey watches her left before he stares at the phone vibrating its noise.

"Hello?" He called, waiting for someone to reply.

"Hello you say?! When are you going to get my hat back?!!"

Luckily, Harvey's ears were far away before they answered. By the sound of a male's voice, He reminds it as someone he's familiar to talk with. Leaving no choice, He puts the phone back into his ears and tries to speak confidently to the annoyed person.

"Your hat? Wait a second, Are you... Luke?"

"And you forgot you still have my hat, you dirty thief!" His mocking replies reminds him of a spoiled child who lost his toy from day-care.

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