🍃 🟥 Battle Against Enemies Time #4

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**************PART 35**************


In a blink of darkness, Harvey regained his consciousness but he found out he can't speak well. His body can't move. Only his eyes and thoughts are active. He believes that he was dreaming because of the familiar place.

Right now, he was standing in his hometown, where there were rice fields and hazy shades from sunlight. Behind the wooden cottage, he saw four teenagers in his own age, leaning against the wall.

"Who are they?" Harvey looks at the teenagers, who are wearing casual outfits. They have hair and eyes color, revealing themselves as non humans. Harvey realized they were shuddering in fear, looking at the shadowy figure underneath.

"No way......"

Something was approaching and his vision looked closer to this scene. Harvey wanted to help them. Lending a hand and helping them escape would be his choice if he wasn't dreaming. But what's horrifying is how the shadowy figure stood away from the black shades of the palm tree and moved closer to the teenagers. It appears to have the same body as him.

The shadowy figure was covered in black with yellow eyes and red wicked mouth. To anyone, he was mysterious, creepy and intimidating. Harvey knows this shadow figure is his nightmare. He wanted to stop but his dream only lets him watch the process.

Suddenly, an explosion occurred in the rice field, creating strong wind waves that blew the grown plants and leaves from the tree.

At that moment, the shadow Harvey figure charges at the scared teenagers, who stepped back. Seeing them helpless wants him to help them but he can't move. He regretted dreaming of his place by seeing this time when the innocent teenagers were going to slaughter.

One of the damaged pointing wood has been thrown near Harvey.

As much as he knows he can't move to avoid it, his dream forced him to watch the terror of his fate. Knowing he's gonna hit, Harvey closes his eyes, not wanting to see this thing.

What happened after that, it became quiet. Black vision in his eyes for forcing to close it but Harvey thought what happened just now, is still a dream. A hallucination nightmare that he would always expect ever since his non-human form was started.

He counted from one to thirty. After that, he gathered his courage and dared to face his dream. Slowly as he can be, he was surprised to wake up and look at the blue sky.

Harvey raised his hand, trying to reach the sky, watching how it moves and then, he realized he can control his body. If he's moving, he would likely be aware he escaped from the dream and woke up in the real world.

As he stood up and observed the current situation, Harvey found out that the abandoned warehouse was destroyed. He rubbed his eyes, unaware of what happened back then. The last time he remembered is where he fought against an anomaly monster named Sludge. It was an intense battle where he almost drowned and get flooded by the tsunami. Luckily, his dodging and Inpower skills came out handy and survived way long. But the last time he remembers is where he slipped out of the mud and fell unconscious. That was the part he last faced against Sludge and he doesn't remember what happened next.

Harvey wondered why he's still alive and well. He touched his head, trying to recall the aftermath times when he was inside the White world. However, there was nothing. Out of luck, he decided to refresh his mind. He snapped out and noticed some sparks in his body.

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