🟥 🟥 Red Fury Time #5

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**************PART 29**************


"What's going on?" I shook my head, looking in front.

"It's you!!" The Anomaly snail formed monster spread their big arms and shouted all they got. "I knew you came! Just what my master has said, you really came to kill me, aren't you?!"

Seriously, them again? That Snail Anomaly that Luke shared their memories and I knocked them down. Why are they doing here, waiting for me? I want to ask them a question about the Slimestones, thus sparing them from getting destroyed but, now is not the time for this. Seems that shows a wrong decision for me.

Also, their questions don't make sense to me. What do they mean 'I come here to kill me' and who is this 'Master' they're preferring to? Before I questioned again and again, I looked at the area and found out no one is here other than them.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

The monster clenched their knuckled fist and chuckled, "Beats me. Anyways, shouldn't you worry about yourself other than someone?"

At the same time, a certain bubble pops out behind me. It only took a second to see it until I blinked back and didn't notice I was already blasting away, crashing through the wall, making me cough out wind.

"Aaghh!" I screamed in pain when I felt my back hurt. Surely today is very unfortunate for me.

Luckily, this monster awaits for me to stand up. Are they trying to test me? It took fifteen seconds to brace myself and stand up. I glared, "The Thundercrows aren't here.. where could they be? In the first place, why is this snail anomaly doing here in their hideout?"

"Say, you can talk, right?" I asked them on my next move.

"And what if I can? Think you can interrupt a fight with just a meaningless talk?" The snail anomaly replied. Their voice sounds deep as a grumpy old man.

".... This monster... They're not like before....maybe they come in revenge on me..." I thought, observing the anomaly. Staying cautious is what I need to do. I coughed and broke the silence. "Listen Buddy, I'm looking for my friend and I don't have time! If you want a fight, we can do that later, okay?"

The monster listened to my conditions. Hope they can understand my words.

They looked at me for a while until they raise their hands trying to say something. Well, that was easier than I thought, If that would happen.

"White Space!" The snail anomaly shouted. Their hand has the Slimestone, releasing the white dome aura at that moment.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted denying the fact they used White Space to fight me. It's clear that I can't escape. So I made a deep sigh and mumbled, "What a bad timing!"

My goal was to be saving Luke but now, I can't escape from the snail anomaly.

I snapped back to reality. Or was it reality? I knew I end up in this anomaly monster's White space. A stopping time and space world where they can show their battle stage and fight non humans or themselves. It was one of these convenient places where no one had to interfere their battles. Not including the normal humans involve.

And what comes next, I noticed something differently. It was an uneasy feeling I felt whenever I end up battle an anomaly in their White Space world. The way I stepped the ground, I heard the splashes on the puddles, spreading like adding more water flowing in the street. A sound of dripping on top of the Warehouse's roof including the ground. I didn't even notice the sky was already dark.

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