🟥 🟥 Red Fury Time #4

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**************PART 28**************

In Golden Square Apartment,

Harvey covered his head, cowering in fear. He was closer to the knocking door, getting ready for someone to come by.

He wasn't prepared for this. To think he Thundercrows could find his apartment. What is he going to do?

Harvey thought about the common plan to leave this place and informed the police but it was already too late. They are here.

If they're here, that would mean the windows and the front door has completely blocked.

Harvey knew he couldn't get out. He clenched his fist, trying to think of a way out of this. Is he going to give up?

No, he doesn't like running away again. Especially when it comes to something important.

"Quick, I need something to defend... I know..." Harvey thought.

He grabbed a wooden spoon and peaked on the door once more. No one was there. He couldn't see anyone around but maybe, they're waiting to go out and ambush him. That would be logical.

So he spun the door handler and unlocked it slowly. The door made a small force to open it.

"They're here!!"

Harvey was cautious and alert of his surroundings. His mind telling him not to panic and fight them. The Thundercrows he thought will never show mercy.

"I'm ready." A clear and brave thought of dealing with public matters.

Just as he pushed the door for giving a big entrance, Harvey unleashed his wooden spoon and shouted.

Suddenly, the small young but old of an edge lady stood in front of him, giving him a wicked glare. Harvey gasped as he managed to stop.

"Huh? Aren't you too young to play with toys to this lady?" The woman, who wasn't surprised, looked at his hand. She wears her red clothes and white apron and folded her arms.

"Landlady..." Harvey said, rubbing his head. He hid his wooden spoon to his back and apologized. "Sorry for the trouble. What brings you here?"

"The phone, lad." Her voice sounds deep and cold as if she doesn't want to talk to.

The phone Harvey borrowed when he called Luke yesterday. Since he doesn't have a phone belonging to this foreign country, he usually borrows from someone else.

"That's right, here you go. Thank you anyways." Harvey gave her the phone gently. He placed the wooden spoon back in his utensils kit.

"You're welcome." The Landlady said firmly. After getting the phone back, she turned back and left his apartment. All of a sudden, the silence is back and Harvey watches her stepping down the stairs.

"What a silent lady..." Harvey said as he doesn't feel like getting along with her. He thinks his boss is impatient and not talkative enough. Surely, he doesn't understand what girls are thinking right now.

Once he stopped bothering her, Harvey pulled the door to close it until he saw in the street.

"Is that? A van?"

An unusual van parks near his apartment. Harvey finds it mysterious to see as he widened his eyes clearly. It reminds him of his hometown where his parents told him a White van always kidnaps wandering children at night. It was scary that he doesn't want to get closer to that vehicle.

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