🟥 🟥 Perfect Student Time #3

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**************PART 13**************

At the start of his second day of September class, Eric Stuart made his move as a class president.

He went to the class in normal time, frequently present earlier than his fellow classmates.

Eric isn't late, not skipping class and even has good attendance. With good grades and good social relationship with teachers excluding the strict teacher, everyone thought of him as a reliable and well known student in the Sunlight section.

The red haired boy doesn't slack off. He knows a burden it takes to be a class president.

During vacant time, Eric often goes to the class, filling up the papers and organizing them. His class vice president, Annie Gonzales assisted him and this, made them finish their work on time.

After that, the teachers assigned him to work on the records and the total scores of the students. He made it sure their computer is accurate and fast enough.

When the class and lectures are over, Eric immediately continues his time to handle the papers and work as a class president.

He doesn't have time to spend his time on his friends and even a group.

The only time he talked is with the Available group. As a class president of the Sunlight section, he gave themselves strict guidance that'll motivate them to work.

Eric advised them to clear out the furniture and sweep the floor gently. He also made sure that the room shouldn't be covered in dust and windows should be opened when cleaning.

Those words conveyed their mind to move and as a result, Eric's advice has found it helpful. The Available group members have managed to improve their cleaning skills.

With household chores techniques, the members of this group might be able to help their parents at home.

The teachers are also amazed by the classroom cleaning, all thanks to Eric's leading skills. He may not be the leader of the Available group but he is still there to help them.

In the group activities session, all students have to work in group class themselves before going home. It's like a club activity.

Eric can only perform his classroom activities that teacher would have done. Creating and Rescheduling events, updating student websites and posting fun facts and advertisements for this class.

Of course he wasn't the only one doing the work. A secretary and treasurer will assist him. They can be in charge of updating their classmates' records but Eric has to lead them.

Also, the class vice president, Annie Gonzales, will help them as well. She's been pretty useful and reliable to them during the absence of their class president.

For the past three weeks, Annie has been doing the most work of filling up the papers and working the updates.

Eric thanked the kind-hearted girl for all the work she struggles in. He wanted to let her take a break but Annie, who is too sweetheart, wanted to work more and he respected her decision.

During the math class, a short haired woman used the chalk and wrote something on the board.

A question that is based on their lesson. The ones on the board she listed is (10 - x) (3x + 4).

All the students glanced and take notes. The teacher stared at them at ease. She knows the answer and what she needs is to wait and find who it is to solve this question.

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