🟥 🟥 Perfect Student Time #7

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**************PART 19**************

In the clinic of the Prisfield High school, where the empty beds arrange in rows, an orange Sunday reflecting on a full glass window, only three students have stayed there.

Harvey was sitting on a bed, waiting to be healed by Luke wrapping up bandages all over his arms. Allen has already done covering his bruises as he's just waiting for them to get finished.

"Man, that was really close. What would happen if that Teach find out about this?" Harvey asked.

"I bet he'll give us detention and seven projects for a week." Allen guessed

"That's too much and Luke, would you stop twisting my arm? It really hurts." Harvey complained, which Luke freaked out and stopped.

"Can't be helped! You're injured and I can't bear to see you like this." Luke said, wrapping it gently. "Especially when you're beating up twice this week."

"Now that you mention it, I heard you getting into fights with our classmates lately, what's up with that?" Allen asked, looking at Harvey rubbing his head with his left hand. He doesn't like answering it, but...

"Nothing... Just sort of jealousy, I think?"

Still being silent, Harvey just looks at the window gaze upon the orange sky in his sharp eyes, which Allen doesn't bother to question more.

"Anyways, everything has been taken care of. You and Devin went to a fight in our vacant class, Eric managed to save the day and I did, nothing by the way."

"Not just nothing, you saved me back there. If it wasn't for you, Devin would've brought up some more nonsense part and beat me like a sandbag." Harvey turned to his friend and smirked genuinely, "So, Thank you Allen. I owe you a lot"

Allen was surprised at how cool Harvey's words are. He rubbed his head and felt embarrassed about getting a compliment. He turned away and said, "Your welcome. and don't forget, friends always come around and help. Be sure to call me when you're in trouble."

Harvey nodded and replied, "I'll keep that in mind." A sting felt in his left arm. "And Oww! Watch it, Luke!"

"Sorry!" Luke apologized but not quietly. "If only the healer comes here... maybe she'll sort it out and fix you."

"Just who is this healer in the first place?" Harvey thought.

Allen noticed a footstep reaching closer to them. "Speaking of healers, we got a visitor."

That person walks ahead to the clinic and they reveal to be the girl with a red violet haired. The shy girl that Sunlight section students knows of all.

"Ruthie?!" Luke exaggerated. "What brings you here?"

"Am I... interrupting.. You?" Ruthie asked in a whispering tone.

"No, you're just on time. Come and join us." Harvey said.

"If.. you say so..." Ruthie accepted, standing next to Luke.

"A shy classmate of ours... how.." Luke whispered quietly.

"Awkward..." Allen added in a soft voice that only Luke can hear it.

"Harvey, can I ask you something?" Ruthie can see him nodding in reply. She coughed and cleared her throat, asking "Are you friends with Eric?"

"You mean the class president? Well, he and I haven't talk that much like we're buddies. Just consider him as a pro classmate of ours.." Harvey answered.

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