🟥 🟥 Perfect Student Time #5

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**************PART 17**************

After the group activities, the gates have opened and most of the students in Prisfield High School are allowed to go home. The three boys took a step above the orange sky setting down.

Devin stretched his arms while walking and said, "I can't believe we waste our time there.."

"You mean the group activities?" Scott corrected

"That's what I'm talking about. I hate those members and I hate what we're doing! If only we could have our own peaceful things to do in class"

"How about Available groups?" Ricky said as he snapped his fingers.

"Don't be ridiculous! I don't want to clean! And just who do you think we are, we're the strongest students in class! I got this shadow power that lets me control and manipulate someone!" Devin said so proudly that his friends can understand him well.

"You've done that with Harvey, haven't you?"

"That part of the prank was a piece of cake. Well anyways, we should head to the amusement arcade. That place makes me relax." Devin folded his arms and rubbed his head.

"You're right!" His friends agreed.

Devin has always been fond of going to arcades. Ever since he was little, he often played around with his friends, using his allowance from his parents without complaint.

To go to the closest way to get there, Devin and his friends are crossing the back alley. With the orange sky, the area is becoming darker.

Right before they saw the bright screen logo of the Amusement Park, they heard a footstep reaching closer to them.

Devin followed that sound and he saw what was behind him, a shadowy figure of delinquent students wearing black long sleeves.

There were six of them. Devin and his friends gave them a quick glare. Their eyes are on the teenagers, who have a smug and smirked reply.

"Well well well, look who's finally going to slack off in the arcade..." One of them, cracking his fist and smirking.

"Who the heck are you?" Devin asked in annoyance.

"Relax, we're here to play with you. Play with our own fist!"

More and more of the black sleeve gangs appeared. In fact, they appear to be teenagers in their same age.

Devin's tension was getting so hot that he found it amusing and said, "Wow! That sounds like a formal greeting to someone with a big jerky face!"

"Hahaha! How funny, non humans. We Thundercrows will show you who the true boss of this town is!"

"Then why don't you come here and taste my fist?! I'm sure you love getting wrecked by me!" Devin took a step forward, clenching his fist and getting fired up.

"Hey Dev, you're not planning to fight with these guys?" Scott asked, dropping his sweat and feeling worried.

"Relax, we're in this quiet place. Nobody would mind beating those who opposed us!"

"If he fights, so will I! Come on Scott! Let's show them how it's done!" Ricky shouted.

"Let's beat those monsters! Thundercrows! Charge!"

In the quiet area, all the boys fight has just begun. Devin stomped his left leg as he used his anomalous power, 'Shadow Crawlers'.

His shadow got one of the teenager's legs and tripped them down, causing them to land on ground.

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