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December 15th
California: Los Angeles

"Demetrius you can't be so damn antisocial all the time." Dia sighed walking into his room where he was sketching something on a notebook. She closed the door behind her with her foot.

All the patients were up and about for recreation time, where they were able to get out of their rooms and watch TV, play games and interact with one another. But Demetrius didn't want to, he just wasn't interested. Because if one patient said one wrong thing to him, he would have to be there longer for beating somebody's ass.

So he figured removing himself from the situation was best. Dia walked over to him and stood in front of him. "You okay?" she asked while running a hand through his growing blonde hair.

Cartier nodded his head slightly, hoping that after that she would leave. He wasn't in the mood to talk, he was trying to concentrate on the task he was doing. But Dia wouldn't just leave him alone, she worried about him too much.

"Well why you won't come mingle with the other patients?" she asked plopping down next to him on the bed and leaned a head on his shoulder to see what exactly he was drawing.

It wasn't anything big, just a random fictional character, it looked like something DJ would attempt to draw. And for a kid his age, DJ's art was pretty good. She smiled a little at the thought of him and DJ drawing together. They were both so talented, and it would be a great bonding moment.

"I don't like people." Demetrius answered simply and truthfully. If he went down there, he wouldn't do anything differently than what he was doing now. Being quiet, and lost in his own world as he usually was.

He was always like that, no matter what. Although he was well known, and reeked with confidence, if he got around people he didn't know too well, he would stay in his own bubble. It just made him comfortable, people didn't. Which is why he really only had two friends.

"Why not?" Dia asked

"Shut up." he mumbled, getting irritated more and more by the second, "I don't feel like talking and you keep saying shit." he said roughly, hurting her feelings a little. But he didn't care. He wanted his peace.

Dia puffed her cheeks out, she now saw why he didn't go to mingle with anyone. He'd be in a fight with everybody in less than five minutes as soon as he opened his mouth. He was too damn rude. He wasn't a people person and may actually never be.

"Fine, whatever. I just want you to know tha-" Dia was interrupted by the sound of the doorknob to his room twisting. Both of their heads snapped to the door and they awaited their visitor.

The door opened revealing Mya with a sneaky smile on her face, she hadn't seen Dia yet. "Cartier." she smiled and that smile turned into a frown when she completely walked into the room and saw Dia.

"Oh, hey Dia." she said a little dryly. Cartier chuckled shaking his head, because she was pathetic, as Dia sat there confused as ever. Mya always attempted to seduce Demetrius, but never had she been caught by Dia.

"Hey," Dia mumbled looking her up and down, she wore a buttoned dress instead of the usual scrubs they wore. But the dress had a few buttons unbuttoned, showing an obviously large amount of cleavage which almost made Dia gag.

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