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August 22nd
California: Los Angeles

"Come on DJ, you ready?" Dia asked after opening the back door to Demetrius' Range Rover where DJ sat excitedly. She smiled to herself seeing how happy he was to go to school, remembering how scared he was for his first day the previous year. But now, DJ wasn't scared whatsoever, he couldn't wait to see all of his friends again, and Demetrius was there to see him go this time.

"I'm ready!" he beamed, hopping out and landing on his two small feet. Demetrius came over to their side of the truck and straightened out DJ's clothes while brushing off his brand new Jordans. Since he was going to school and Demetrius was there, he made sure DJ had to be as fresh as him every single day just to 'show up all the other snot nosed kids' as Demetrius would say.

After he finished straightening DJ out, Dia grabbed his smaller hand in hers. "Alright say bye to daddy." she said

Immediately DJ frowned, pulling his hand away from Dia's, "He's not coming in?" he asked looking between the two.

Dia laughed and shook her head, she didn't want Demetrius to go inside because of his many unethical outbursts in the school. She didn't want him ruining DJ's first day in any kind of way possible. "I can't lil man cause I'll act up and mama won't give me no pussy if I do." he said causing Dia to gasp and cover her mouth, kicking him in the leg lightly.

"Pussy?" DJ said with a frown, confused because he'd never heard that word before

"Hey!" Dia exclaimed, "Don't say that DJ, it's a bad word." she scolded. Normally she would've popped him a little, but instead she hit Demetrius' arm because he was at fault for it. But Demetrius simply laughed, as DJ pouted and held his head down in shame.

"Sorry mama." he said, Dia crouched down to his level and placed her fingers under his chin to lift his head.

"It's okay DJ, it's not your fault." she said, kissing his cheek. "Come on let's go inside." she then reached to grab his hand again which he happily took and began to jump around like the energetic child he was.

"Okay, bye daddy!" DJ waved while skipping away with Dia still holding his hand. Demetrius decided to sit in the car and wait for Dia to come back out. As they went inside, many teachers greeted the both of them on the way inside. Dia eyed the woman in the front office in particular, Ms. Taylor, who looked at her with a slight glare before plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Is Demetrius Senior not joining you today?" she immediately asked. Dia held herself back from rolling her eyes. Demetrius could never go anywhere without a bitch fawning over him. He'd only been to DJ's school a few times but he made quite an impression amongst everyone there, mostly the women. Who were no doubt jealous of Dia, but tried not to show it.

"First and foremost, his name is Cartier, and no, he's not joining me today clearly. So stop checking for my man. Know your boundaries, please and thank you." Dia said with a sarcastic smile on her face, causing the Ms. Taylor to frown deeper. "DJ needs to know his classroom." she then continued, Ms. Taylor cut her eyes at Dia but pulled up DJ on her computer anyway.

"Mr. Glenn, room 205." she answered, never looking at Dia after that. Dia was going to be polite and thank her, but decided against it, and just walked away. She didn't deserve kindness anyway. As they walked through the school, DJ recited the numbers on the wall while they looked for his classroom. It didn't take long for them to find it, children stood in line as a very attractive male greeted them all before going into the classroom.

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