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1 Year Later
January 2nd
California: Los Angeles

Demetrius walked behind Dia with his hands over her eyes, leading her over to the front door of his house. After a year of the rehab program, Dia was finally out and doing better than ever. It was hard at times, especially with all the withdrawal symptoms, but ultimately she still managed to pull through and was now as healthy as she could be. Carti and everyone else couldn't have been more proud of her, they all served as amazing support systems during her time there.

And now that she was out, Dia spent majority of her first day out with DJ and Naomi, who had regained her ability to walk over the past year. Much to Demetrius' luck, because he had a few surprises for her he had to add finishing touches to. He and Dia weren't in an established relationship still, because they still hadn't had a chance to have a real talk, but tonight Demetrius had to ensure that they would.

He unlocked his front door and they walked inside, "Okay D, we almost there." he mumbled in her ear. Dia just nodded. She was excited, her body slowly bouncing up and down as Demetrius went through the living room and opened up multiple doors that Dia couldn't see which led to which.

After a minute, Demetrius eventually stopped her in her tracks with his hands still covering her eyes. Dia couldn't see but she could tell they were inside his bathroom by the feel of the marble floor under her shoes. "Okay, you ready?" he asked and she nodded her head not saying a word. After counting down from 3, he removed his hands from her eyes.

Dia was instantly met with a mannequin head sitting on his bathroom counter, a brand new blonde lace front wig resting on top of it. "Demetrius." Dia scoffed as a huge grin made its way onto her face. It had been well over a year since he made her wig fly over the balcony, she didn't even think he'd remember. But he always remembered what he thought was important.

Dia's mouth hung agape, in disbelief that he was serious about buying her a new wig. Dia reached her hand out and stroked the soft hair with her fingers, even more shocked that it wasn't a dusty wig. It was perfect. It even seemed like it was of better quality than the one she had before.

"Sorry I couldn't get it to you before you went rehab, it came all the way from another damn country and I ordered it kind of late. Is this the right one though? I mean- do you like it? Cause I ain't know what the fuck I was doing wit all the different inches and different tones of blo-." his rambling was cut off as Dia grabbed his cheeks in her hands, stood her tip toes, and pecked his lips softly

"It's perfect." she whispered against his mouth and gave him another quick kiss on the lips. Demetrius stood there in shock, they would kiss sometimes whenever he visited her in rehab, but everytime she did it, it made him freeze up. More than likely because that was the closest thing to sex he's been getting in the past year.

He had half a mind to jump all over Dia, but he was much stronger than that. Like before, he'd wait for her to initiate the first act instead of pressuring or manipulating her. "Okay." he mumbled, with a content sigh. "Well I gotta pee, so ima go, and and while I'm at it, hurry up and put that wig on so we can go. It came wit glue and all, cause those jail braids in yo head ain't gone cut it over here." Cartier said, making Dia gasp and hold her head as it was indeed in cornrows. Only because it was easier to manage in rehab.

"Shut up!" she exclaimed, throwing a comb at him which hit him in the back. Demetrius just laughed, not paying her any mind while walking out of his bathroom to use another one so he could handle his private matters. Dia then turned around and laughed silently to herself while beginning to get ready for whatever it was Demetrius had planned.

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